T/C Sabots?
8/26/09 7:57am
Hey guys,
I just bought a T/C Encore Endeavor and the factory suggested that I shoot their sabots of course. So, I bought the T/C 250gr. bonded spire point ultra glide sabots. They also suggested that I use 150grs. (pellets) of either pyrodex or triple 7 if I will be shooting over 125 yards, and a CCI 209 primer (not magnum). Has anyone else used this combination with sucess in the field or on the range, or would anyone have a better suggestion for a good combination of sabots, powder and primer, etc...
I just bought a T/C Encore Endeavor and the factory suggested that I shoot their sabots of course. So, I bought the T/C 250gr. bonded spire point ultra glide sabots. They also suggested that I use 150grs. (pellets) of either pyrodex or triple 7 if I will be shooting over 125 yards, and a CCI 209 primer (not magnum). Has anyone else used this combination with sucess in the field or on the range, or would anyone have a better suggestion for a good combination of sabots, powder and primer, etc...

8/26/09 9:41am
I like to use Barnes MZ Expanders and 130gr of pyrodex with a standard CCI 209 primer. The barnes perform exactly as described and are acurate. I found 130gr still packs a big punch and was more accurate then 150gr. I use a Kight Disc, but my friends T/C Black Diamond had similar results. I have also used Power Belt copper plated hollow points and thought they did a good job. Have fun with your loader.