Talon fills his doe tags
12/24/10 4:36pm
We haven't been able to hunt as hard this year with me being sick so much this year. Talon 9 has been chomping at the bits wanting to hunt. We finally got out this week. Monday we were trying to get to our hunting spot when we pushed 3 does up out of the their bed. All that was sticking up out of the brush was the heads. Talon shot one doe straight on in the head and dropped her right there. Two days later he was able to drop another doe. Six does snuck in on top of us and I was filming. I zoomed in on the doe standing broadside and he shot. All the deer I could see ran off. I said: you missed son! He said: no I didn't she's laying right there! Sure enough she was he just didn't shoot the one I was filming!

http://www.thehogwallowonline.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10001/normal_Talon_doe_12-20-10.jpg " alt="" />
doe number two

http://www.thehogwallowonline.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10001/normal_Talon_doe_12-22-10.jpg " alt="" />

doe number two


12/24/10 6:18pm
Congrats to the young man! 10sign: