Taxidermy Options

Ok, so I know I am being an optimist but taxidermy is already on my mind for October...

If I get the shoulder mount I would like it but... I could also do a european (all of my other mounts in the house (deer/elk) are euro mounts). I am having a hard time deciding between doing a euro mount of the goat and getting the hide tanned as opposed to just getting a shoulder mount done.

Does anyone have pics of hides they have done of goats? I saw on another blog someone said something about goats being harder to euro mount because of their smelly bases? What are you talking about?
Snake River Marksman
Antelope hair is very brittle, so getting a hide done might not be such a good idea. I don't know anything about smelly bases, I've seen plenty of euro mounted antelope and never noticed anything.
antelope euros are the best! makes em look huge
my first goat was only 11"s
but the euro makes it look respectable.
and antelope skulls look so much cooler than anything else!

dont tan the hide, you'll get hair all over your house
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thanks for the tips. I may go with just the euro mount then and save the $450 unless it is a bruiser. I do not know if any of you read the van dyke's catalogue but they have EVERYTHING you would want!
Yup, I spend lots there
and I aint even a taxi anymore
Dont' waste your time or money on getting an antelope hide done.

I had a hide done and at first it was fine but after 4 moves and 8 years the hide is not doing so well very brittle hair does not hold up well.

As far as Euro mounts my friend has done 4 of these for me and I hvae never had any problems the only way they would be rotten(stinky) is if they were not done correctly.
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I have a number of european antelope mounts on my wall and they are impressive! Once you get it clean up (boiled and paraxodide) I would suggest putting bondo between the horns and the skull. This way bugs won't get inside between the horn and skull. You also may want to get rid of all the nasel tissue because that is another area bugs tend to congregate...also it sometimes smells somewhat. There is nothing worse than bugs starting on skulls and going to your other expensive head mounts!

There are nice walnut or oak 2-piece plaques available for hanging skulls on the wall (or on a table) and the dark wood is a good contrast against the white skull. They aren't too terribly hard to build if you have a few tools and a rotor for the edges.

If you plan on doing a head mount you may want to find a wall pedestal. They make gorgeous mounts and look a lot more lifelike with the additional shoulder.
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can you post pics of your mounts?
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Send me an email and I will forward you some photos.
Antelope are cool either way. The smelly bases they are talking about may be in regards to the skull plate. You have to remove the horn sheath from the antelope and clean all of the flesh out from underneath or it will smell to high heavens. There is quite a bit of flesh under there. Here is a wall pedestal mount of a New Mexico Antelope I shot near Roy, NM a couple years back. I think the coloration of an antelope is awesome and I love the look of a good buck on the wall....that's just me, I can't help it.
tommycaller that is a good looking speed goat
Thanks GW! I'm going back to Roy, NM in a couple weeks. I think the antelope season is the 23,24,25th of August. I have a rifle tag and a few antelope bullets. Yee Haw :thumb
I had my first nice antelope mounted because I figured I would never get a bigger one. That was my thinking on the second one as well, then the third.... At least they aren't huge space eaters like elk mounts, and I guy can have a few without looking too crowded. I too like the wall pedestal, and yours is VERY nice. Back in 1995, when I had the buck in my signature mounted, I had never seen or heard of a wall pedestal. I came up with the idea and asked my taxidermist if he could create one for me. Not too long after that, they started appearing everywhere. Not sure if I invented the idea or not, but I think this buck was one of the first to ever be mounted that way.

That looks like a dandy!!! I would like to see a bigger picture of your buck. It's kinda funny. I had alot of oppertunities to hunt antelope in the past 20 or so and passed. I killed my first one about 4 years ago and wish I would have started sooner. They are a blast to hunt and I apply in six states each year. My luck has not been very good on drawing. I bought a landowner tag this year and will be hunting the ranch next to the one I killed the mounted buck on. I saw 40 to 50 bucks each day down there and a few were really good ones. The biggest ones are usually spotted after you have pulled the trigger. I will be much more patient this time around.