TC Icon

Has enyone had a chance to shoot the new Thompson Center Icon? Thinking about getting one if they come
out with a larger selection of calibers.

Great looking gun, just curious about the action, workmanship, out-of-the-box accuracy, Etc?

Any info on the TC .30 caliber?

Thanks guys,
You might wanna Google it. SomeWHERE I read that they had quality probs, esp with the bolt rusting. I'd seek more info elsewhere before buying. It is a fine looking rifle tho.
one hunting fool
man i sure would like to get one also tc Icon 30sws cal's i have not even seen one around yet but you are right they look GREAT :222 ets me excited to get one. but i have not heard of any problems either. would like to know for sure because i am going to get one before next killing season
I have not shot one yet but have handled one and fit and finish looked excellent to me. I think it has a lot of really really nice features and the price is very reasonable. Every review I have read so far has been really good but it is early.
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Googled it as Silver suggested and ended up at Cabelas' chat site.
No mention of any rusting but there was alot of descussion about the need for a new .30 cal short cartridge.
The gun also weighs in at just under 8 lbs. unscoped which seems to be pretty heavy for a short action rifle.
They make it in both .308 winchester and the new 30TC which is a little smaller than a .308 with muzzle velocities at 3000 fps with a 150 grain bullet. I am sure they won't offer it for now in any of the 30 cal short mags because they want to promote their new cartridge offering. They did come out with long action format this year with both 7mm rem mag and 300 win mag in the mix.
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I bought my TC Icon A month ago. Mounted A 50mm Nicon scope and headed for the range. I removed the bolt,sighted through the barrell and made A minor adjustment to the scope Guess what? On the seventh shot I had A three shot group of less than one-half inch. I am really excited about this gun and can't wait to get it into the woods. I have never shot A factory out of the box rifle that could touch this one. The bolt is as slick as you would want and the balance is great,the trigger pull is like A custom job and I can honestly say this is A great Gun for the money. I bought the 30TC Cal. which shoots great with the only ammo you can get right now(Hornady SST,150 or 165 gr.) The fact that the 30tc cal. ammo is hard to find is about the only negetive that I have so far concerning the Icon. I also know two others that have Icons one is another 30TC and the other is A 308 cal. and both these guns shoot one-half inch groups or less at one hundred yrds. wuth factory ammo.
one hunting fool
Thanks for the info Sure shot. what is the price of a box of ammo for the TC i have a friend that bought a 300sws and he says the downfall is the price of the ammo campared to other such rounds
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I bought the 30TC ammo for 21.95 per twenty. This was the same gun shop where I bought the Icon. I think it is to their advantage to keep the price of this ammo as low as possible. If it is overpriced it would kill the sale of this new 30TC cal. Icon. However I found it at another store and the price was 29.00 per box. This has me confused. I think A good guideline to go on would be Midway Shooters Supply which sells theirs for twenty-three and some change. Hope this helps
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You won't be sorry. TC has another version of the origional short action Icon. It is the Icon model 5524 Field Rifle (Not listed on thier website). Its just like the origional Icon except it comes with matte Bluing and don't have the ribbon running through the checkering. It sells for A little more than A hundred dollars less than the origional Icons. A friend of mine just bought one this weekend and its A very nice gun. They also come in the 22-250, 243, 308 and 30TC cals. I didn't even know they made this one until he was showing it off. HAPPY SHOOTING !!!
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How is the recoil for the 30 TC?? Was told by TC customer service that it had the felt recoil of a .223.
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I Just bought my second TC Icon in the new Weathershield cammo and I like it very much. I bought the 30TC Caliber for this one also. This is in my opinion the most Gun for the money that is on the market today. I can't wait to see what TC comes out with next.
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this new thomson center icon is a wonderful rifle, 1/2 moa super acurate cant wait to take hunting