TC Omega

I started muzzleloader hunting several years ago, and am still using with my old TC Renegade kit gun that I "built" when I was 15. I think I'm finally going to get an in-line. I've read about the new Omega with its new breech system, and it looks very interesting. I'm wondering if anyone has any insight as to how it might compare with the Knight's etc. Anyway, any feedback would be great.
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It's better than any of Knights current rifles. Just wait, Knight will be coming out w/ a rolling block model, copying the Omega too. Because it's a superior design. My Omega shoots 2" groups at 100 yards all day long, w/ an open sight. I've never tried anything other than 295 gr. powerbelts, and 105-110 grains of 777. Will be shooting the 348's this spring. Have heard they should shrink down the groups even more.
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I barely just got a muzzleloader and i have no clue what it is but i would like to try muzzleloading maybe in the near future to see how it goes but for now i'll stick with my rifle
I realy enjoy the muzzle loader hunt. When I target shoot mine I prefer to be sitting behind camp some were. I can shot it all day but My gun is the remington mdl.700 which is a good gun but I might move up to the omega. I did load my gun with 130 grains pyrodex, in the pellet form. I like to shot pop cans at 50 yards. This year I want to take some milk jugs out and try some longer shots.