TC Venture Rifle

I was at Bass Pro Shop last night and they had a nice looking bolt gun there for $449.94. It is a TC Venture with a composite stock and a one MOA guarantee. It was in 300 win mag and the only one they had so I bought it. I'm a very weak person. I got it home and took the trigger lock off of it ( I guess they were afraid I'd shoot someone with it at the store, little did they know I'm always armed) and found it has a very nice trigger that I won't need to tinker with at all. This is a real nice surprise. I can't wait to shoot it. I'll need a scope now. :-k Guess we need to go shopping again! :)
did it go "BANG" yet?
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This past weekend I put a K-4 Weaver scope on it and sighted it in with Barnes factory loads with their 165 grain Triple shock bullet. First two at 100 yards were 7/8 inch apart and low.The second two were nearly touching and 3.5 inches high. I then proceded to pound the steel targets out to 300 meters. It seems to be a very accurate rifle unaffected by the 105 degree weather. It's heavy barrel makes it hold nicely offhand. I like it. I don't think the elk will though. :thumb

P.S. I was on the TC website and discovered there's a $50.00 rebate too!!
Nice find on the rebate!
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I've had this rifle for over a month now and have had time to abuse it and shoot it and develop a handload for it. It seems to put everything I feed it to the same point of aim at 100 yards which is very nice. I have'nt had to touch the adjustments on the scope since I sighted it in and it shoots the same from a cold barrel, hot barrel, oily barrel, dirty barrel or clean barrel. I'm really liking it. Here's a typical target at 100 yards. My wife taped it upside down.