Technical accuracy question
7/15/08 9:53am
I have a question for all you technical archers. I have drawn a LE elk tag and feel confident in my setup. I am having trouble grouping my broad heads however and do not have the knowledge to understand why.
I am shooting a Hoyt 373. Weight is 65 lbs and arrow speed is 275 fps. With 100 gr practice tips my groupings are consistent and I feel my mechanics are solid. (grouping 3 of 3 almost every time from 50 yrds in a 10 in plate with a few groupings that were really tight). So I bought the strikers G5's and really struggle to get 3 out of 3 in the plate. It does not feel that there is any room for error and a slightly marginal release results in a miss that makes me question a 50 yrd shot. We're down to crunch time and I really need to feel confident in my ability to let it fly at 50 yrds. I'm shooting the Easton STepics 340 with a 9.4 gpi (what does gpi stand for, grains per inch)? Is my arrow weight wrong for my broad head? Or is it mental and I need to realize broad heads are not as forgiving and keep practicing? To really get tight do you need to switch the broad head with different arrows to find the truest combo? MAN I CAN"T WAIT FOR THIS HUNT!!! Sorry, momentary tension breaker for me. ](*,)
I look forward to learning from you :not-worthy and will hopefully do you fellow elk hunters proud :thumb . Thanks
I am shooting a Hoyt 373. Weight is 65 lbs and arrow speed is 275 fps. With 100 gr practice tips my groupings are consistent and I feel my mechanics are solid. (grouping 3 of 3 almost every time from 50 yrds in a 10 in plate with a few groupings that were really tight). So I bought the strikers G5's and really struggle to get 3 out of 3 in the plate. It does not feel that there is any room for error and a slightly marginal release results in a miss that makes me question a 50 yrd shot. We're down to crunch time and I really need to feel confident in my ability to let it fly at 50 yrds. I'm shooting the Easton STepics 340 with a 9.4 gpi (what does gpi stand for, grains per inch)? Is my arrow weight wrong for my broad head? Or is it mental and I need to realize broad heads are not as forgiving and keep practicing? To really get tight do you need to switch the broad head with different arrows to find the truest combo? MAN I CAN"T WAIT FOR THIS HUNT!!! Sorry, momentary tension breaker for me. ](*,)
I look forward to learning from you :not-worthy and will hopefully do you fellow elk hunters proud :thumb . Thanks
it sounds like your arrow spine is changing on you between a solid head and the mechanicals as A solid head will apply several times the inertial force on arrow spine that a mechanical will..causing much greater bend
and wobble in the arrowhaft during flight
Id say.. try some different arrows.. if your shooting carbons.. try a good easton 22 or 23 xxx
see if there is any improvement.
Are you shooting helical fletched arrows ? that solid head needs to SPIN... if your shooting straight fletch
that mechanicals like...well.. there you go...
for elk here in colorado we use BIG 4 BLADE MUZZYS.. BIG 4 blade SLICK TRICKS, OR WENSEL WOODSMAN
with a big elk you want good shot placement and you only need the arrow to penetrate at least half way in..
the broadhead will do the rest in short time.