Ted Nugent shoots deer illegally (heres Proof)

Ted Nugent hunted California archery season in califorina where the use of any bait is illegal any feeding any game animal anytime of the year is illegal under Fish and Game code

§251.3. Prohibition Against Feeding Big Game Mammals.

No person shall knowingly feed big game mammals, as defined in Section 350 of these regulations.

§350. Big Game Defined.

"Big game" means the following: deer (genus Odocoileus), elk (genus Cervus), pronghorn antelope (genus Antilocarpa), wild pig (feral pigs, European wild pigs and their hybrids (genus Sus), black bear (genus Ursus) and Nelson bighorn sheep (subspecies Ovis canadensis nelsoni) in the areas described in subsection 4902(b) of the Fish and Game Code.

Ted harvested a once in a lifetime buck that most hunters only dream of. He used C'mere deer to attract the deer which is strictly illegal in CA. I cannot believe that someone who is as much of a hunting activist as him would break laws. It goes to show that if you have money you can do whatever you want. I have hunted CA for 20 years and have seen a steady decline in hunters because of the poor game management. Fish and Game needs to go after him and set a example. If it is legal for him then i we should all be able use illegal measures to harvest animals. The first part of the article is written by Bill Mays, then the last is written by Nugent Himself the last paragraph clearly states that C'mere deer was used pre season. under the F&G code such activities are illegal heres the story. Make sure you read the last paragraph.
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Or could be the generic list of sponsors that pay his bills. I wasn't there so I don't know if he actually used it or not or whether he is contractually obligated to mention their name on all published material of his hunts. If he did use it then he is in the wrong. This is the danger of when hunting becomes business instead of pleasure. I did work for Ted for 5 years as a regional director for the World Bowhunters back in the early 90's and I have never seen nor heard of Ted doing anything illegal in my contact with him or those associated with him.
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wingmaster you're 100% correct. He could be in contract but i dont think those sponsors would be to happy with the fact that he has mentioned them in a article which potentially breaks local laws and regulations. I have personally hunted the area where this buck was shot and the neighbor has over 70 pics of this buck on his trail cam. One week before season all of the animals dissapeared of his property. I know animals move but strange thing that Ted shows up to Hunt and sees all these deer. Kind of suspecious.... It's his Job as a hunter and a advocate for the sport to practice leagal hunting techniques. Also it is his job to know the Local game laws "contract" or not.
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if he used bait yea thats wrong but it dont make him a poacher. he just baited a deer. if he had a legal tag that means hes not a poacher. a poacher is someone that kills a deer out of season or out of his/her unit
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taking any animal illegally is "poaching" that make the person who commits the act a Poacher.
6 to one, half a dozen to others. Either way what he did was illegal in the state of Ca. call it what you want....
A LOT of assumptions here, IMO. Unless you know he actually used the attractant on this hunt I would refrain from speculating at this point on an open forum. As mentioned earlier, it may be just a list of sponsors that always accompany his documented adventures.

If you feel strongly about it, simply call DFG and send them the info to look into. As a former warden of the Golden State, I can tell you it would be looked into if reported. Lastly, my own personal view of a true "poacher" would not encompass this incident if true........it's actually illegally using attractants or bait......a different section than poaching.

Seems these days folks are putting every violation under the "poacher" umbrella. That has inherited problems, IMO. If you have a legal tag for the proper zone, are using the proper equipment, and you take a deer and notch your tag and place it on the antler but forgot to sign your tag before the hunt in the appropriate box are you a poacher? No. You simply get a citation for the appropriate violation.
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Let me rephrase my last statements.... IMO any illegal activities used to harvest game animals make the person commitiing the act a poacher... (my opinion)
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and if some choose to call it "baiting" thats fine. I like Ted and watch his program's i just disagree with this and think that he needs to be aware of the laws in the area that he hunts. This is one of the major responsibilites of him as a "hunter" also if it is a list of companies that he uses on all of his articles then thats fine but if there are things that are illegal in the state then he can expect people to comment on it.

Definition:Poaching is the illegal hunting, killing or capturing of animals. This can occur in a variety of ways. Poaching can refer to the failure to comply with regulations for legal harvest, resulting in the illegal taking of wildlife that would otherwise be allowable. Examples include: Taking without a license or permit, use of a prohibited weapon or trap, taking outside of the designated time of day or year, and taking of a prohibited sex or life stage. Poaching can also refer to the taking of animals from a gazzetted wildlife sanctuary, such as a national park, game reserve, or zoo. Most countries enforce various sanctions on the hunting of wild animals, and international controls, such as bans, restrictions and monitored trade, are all aimed at controlling poaching. However, it is important to note that hunting, under specific regulations, is in fact often permitted in designated game preserves.
"BOHNTR" wrote:A LOT of assumptions here, IMO. Unless you know he actually used the attractant on this hunt I would refrain from speculating at this point on an open forum. As mentioned earlier, it may be just a list of sponsors that always accompany his documented adventures.

If you feel strongly about it, simply call DFG and send them the info to look into. As a former warden of the Golden State, I can tell you it would be looked into if reported. Lastly, my own personal view of a true "poacher" would not encompass this incident if true........it's actually illegally using attractants or bait......a different section than poaching.

Seems these days folks are putting every violation under the "poacher" umbrella. That has inherited problems, IMO. If you have a legal tag for the proper zone, are using the proper equipment, and you take a deer and notch your tag and place it on the antler but forgot to sign your tag before the hunt in the appropriate box are you a poacher? No. You simply get a citation for the appropriate violation.
Now Roy, you know facts have no place in a thread like this. They're simply a nuisance and will be ignored.

Only opinion, innuendo and rumor are going to fly here. Now let's forget the facts, and the truth for that matter, and get back to blowing this out of proportion.
Poaching is the illegal hunting, killing or capturing of animals. This can occur in a variety of ways. Poaching can refer to the failure to comply with regulations for legal harvest, resulting in the illegal taking of wildlife that would otherwise be allowable. Examples include: Taking without a license or permit, use of a prohibited weapon or trap, taking outside of the designated time of day or year, and taking of a prohibited sex or life stage. Poaching can also refer to the taking of animals from a gazzetted wildlife sanctuary, such as a national park, game reserve, or zoo. Most countries enforce various sanctions on the hunting of wild animals, and international controls, such as bans, restrictions and monitored trade, are all aimed at controlling poaching. However, it is important to note that hunting, under specific regulations, is in fact often permitted in designated game preserves.
That is a great definition written by The Encyclopedia of Earth......and is an accurate definition, IMO. Unfortunately, there is a difference in legal descriptions and/or definitions and dictionaries.

There's a reason why we have several hundred specific and separate sections of the F&G Code that are utilized depending on the violation that occurred. Under your train of thought, there would be no need to have specific sections, we would simply re-write the F&G Code and make a "poaching" section to cover ALL illegal acts involving hunting........sorry it doesn't work that way and would not be appropriate, IMO.

I do understand your concern, and if he violated the baiting section here, he should be cited for that. I don't think anyone here will disagree with you. My point is that before we jump on the bandwagon and convict someone on this site, one should know the facts........it could be he didn't use any attractants and you've just slandered his name inappropriately. That's my only point.

I believe he has a website that he frequently answers questions on? Ask him if he used them.......from what I've seen he'll probably answer it.
Dont know anything about this case but I have seen multiple infractions on shows filme here in MT,Bow hunters using luminocs,rifle hunters not wearing orange,et,ect.I dont see how they keep from getting busted when the evidence is right there on tape. ](*,)
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I respect your opinion and agree to disagree with you. I do completely agree that I probably should have rephrased the "poacher" headline. Either way... I spoke my piece and will continue hunting the way i do and just shake my head at ones that break laws sometime it just frustrates me and i have to say something.
6x6 bull
I have to agree with Nonya on this one. I just watched Lee Lakosky on the Crush with Lee and Tiffany a few days ago where they were hunting around Montrose Co for a buck called Lucky. At the end of the show he shot Lucky and you can see his Lumenock glowing all the way to the buck. This hunt was in 2008 and lumenocks were illegal. The only thing Lucky about the show is that someone didn't use his own video to have him arrested.
Springville Shooter
Once again, I totally agree with bohntr and would like to make another point. I lived in California for 32 years of my life and I have two good friends that are still wardens there. I know that the DFG will do an excellent investigation into these allegations and if Ted broke any part of the fish and game code will be cited accordingly. What I want to know is; what is the accusing party who has posted several times calling Ted a "poacher" and making all kinds of slanderous and character defaming statements going to do if it is discovered that these things are a mis-understanding, a mis-statement by the author, or just incorrect? Will you just say"oh, well", and wait for your next opportunity to lower these forums to the level of the National Inquirer, or will you man up and admit that you were wrong to spread such misinformation without knowing the facts. This should be a story that made the forum after Ted was cited. Then we could all agree that he screwed up and could put in our two cents about what commercialized hunting is doing to our sport. Also, as far as your definition of poaching. I feel like a little "those who live in glass houses should not throw rocks" applies here. If you have the 20 years hunting experience that you claim, I guarantee that you have made some statutory mistake or been ignorant to some regulation that could have cost you a citation. Does this make you a poacher too?-----shooter
Yhe just keep your mouth shut when you think game laws are being broken,that way you will never be wrong and nobody gets their feelings hurt.... ](*,)
Springville Shooter
Mr Nonya,
I think you missed my point. I'm not saying that nothing should be said, I'm saying the appropriate thing should be said. After reading the article, one could have posted the comment; "If Ted Nugent did what his article says, he broke the law." This would be a completely true statement which can't be said for "Ted Nugent poaches deer in California", or Ted Nugent shoots deer illegally(heres proof)" which are both speculative, emotionally driven statements that have nothing to do with the facts. I read the article and there simply is no proof of anything. Ted's statements obviously ended with his thanks list and someone wrote the equipment list as an afterthought. Writers of articles screw up all the time, hence the reason there is a "setting it straight" section in most gun magazines. I like facts, I respect opinions, I personally would wait to see the outcome before making such careless statements about anybody.-----shooter
There is a lot of difference in having an opinion and making accusations. There is a reason we have a court system here in the U.S., let them decide guilt or innocence. Any sportsman should pay attention to their surroundings and notify the authorities when they see something that is unlawful.
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shooter... you should read the top post on this page. It clearly say's i should have rephrased the "poacher" headline..... and yes i will aplolgize if it is a fact that no bait was used to harvest this animal. No, i'm not perfect and i'm sude i have broken a law tha fact is i was reading the information in the article which is publically published so the slander accusation is out the window. Slander is "non factual information" It read in the article he used bait pre season "fact" I'm not trying to tell everyone baiting is wrong, trust me i'm far from PETA but at the same time i think people need to follow all laws. If Ted did not break any laws the I apologize and call his publisist or editor a butthead for letting me make an @** out of myself :)

I'm sure everyone has jumped to conclusions... I should have rephrased my statements. If ted did get the deer legally then awesome, heck of a buck. If he used bait, then shame on him, but still a heck of a buck.
Springville Shooter
I think that after all we are in 100% agreement. If you get further info on the case, please let us know. Until then, we'll have to wait and see if Uncle Ted will have to donate a little more than expected to the Golden state. -------shooter
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Honestly IMO it seems like a bunch of speculations. If he did then that is to bad. However Ted Nugent is somebody who is fighting to help keep what I love, like my second amendment right of owning guns and also being able to hunt which is a huge part of what I love about being an American.
looks like a typo to me and a few guys getting their panties in a knot.

what the heck is a reseason?

could it be preseason?
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Remember the old saying "people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." I think it might be interesting to see how this thread plays out with that saying in mind.
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Well said DLS. This is going to get real interesting. Another saying comes to mind something like "the pot calling the kettle black”.
Springville Shooter
Welcome to the forum guys, I, like you hope that we get some follow up on this story, but I would not hold my breath if I were you. I think that some irresponsible statements were made and that this thread will die and go away quietly. Hope you guys get as much enjoyment from this forum as I have, but once in a while, pots call kettles black and those of us who live in glass houses throw a few rocks, some alot more than others. Bottom line, Ted killed a big buck on private land, like he always does. NO BIG DEAL and definately no poaching involved.Thats always been my opinion and I'm sticking to it.------shooter
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If you want to know why I was referring to colehous and suggesting that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, just go to the forum about "his" 190 class buck and read my post on their. You'll be stunned if you don't already know what he did.
DLS, thanks for the info! thats a joke, buying atlers on ebay and claiming to kill them himself. your pretty hard up to pull that one!
Well Cole probably didn't poach them since he didn't even shoot them. lol
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I know it's an old saying, but the pot & kettle one? Think about that one for a minute.
"ElmerFudd" wrote:I know it's an old saying, but the pot & kettle one? Think about that one for a minute.
"Oho!' said the pot to the kettle;
"You are dirty and ugly and black!
Sure no one would think you were metal,
Except when you're given a crack."
"Not so! not so! kettle said to the pot;
"'Tis your own dirty image you see;
For I am so clean -without blemish or blot-
That your blackness is mirrored in me"
He is an Idiot!
If your so upset about it then call CA game and fish. Just remeber that it's public figures like Ted that help fight and preserve out right to still hunt and fish. Oh gosh he might of used some bag of Cmere deer (crime of the year) . In NY you can't bait but I can sit over a standing corn lot. Guess what? That corn lot will bring in more deer than a bag of attractant.
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Uhh, Magnum, Mr. Houston doesn't call CA Fish and Game......

They call on him!
Over the years I have witnessed countless infractions by hunting celebs. I think one of the most important issues here is to get the most up to date info you can about any states differing regulations. We can't assume they are the same as they are in our own respective states. Heck, the way my states changes things from year to year it makes it real hard to keep up and I read them every year just to make sure. As they say "ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law" but it is difficult to not only keep up but to also interpret some of these regulations.
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I noticed it said preseason in the last paragraph..but misspelled. You can't bait during preseason in cali either?
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Since he was convicted of the charges i guess there is some justice for the wealthy who make up their own rules,lesson here,dont tape yourself breaking multiple game laws and then broadcast it on television.Wonder if the poster here had something to do with the CA FG prosecuting him?
Wonder if the poster here had something to do with the CA FG prosecuting him?
You never know......but I doubt it, as he was dealing with his own wildlife violations from the F&G.
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Maybe he tried lighten his own penalty's by pointing out the obvious... :thumb