Tent or Hammock
6/30/09 5:06pm
I can't decide. This will be my first Backpack hunt for elk this fall in Western Colorado. There will be two of us. Archery Septemeber 14-25. I have narrowed it down between buying the Tarptent Rainshadow 2 ultralight tent (3 person) at under 3 pounds, or we will each buy a Clark Jungle Hammock NA which will weigh just under 3 pounds each. With the tent we will need to also buy a sleeping pad which will weigh between 1-2 pounds and cost between $40-$120, depending on the model. The tent will cost about $300 and the hammock's are about $340 each with shipping and the larger rain fly. But with the hammock we may be able to avoid purchasing a sleeping pad. My main concern is the temperatures. I'v been reading mixed results about getting cold in a hammock. Some say that below 5o degeees i will need a sleeping matt. Others say that i will be ok to around 30. I'm thinking the sleeping comfort will be better in a hammock. Summary 2 hammocks will weigh 6 pounds and cost just under $700. A tent and two speeping pads will weigh between 5-7 pounds and cost between $380-$540. Any thoughts.
I've tried napping in a hammock for a couple hours and that was enough to give me a scorching backache. But I'm an old man. ($$)
I don't know how long or how remote you are going for but think seriuosly about your clothing and what would be confortable in being cold and wet for the amount of time your out. It'll make for a better hunt. Good Luck!
A person can never 'under pack' when going out into the wilderness. Be prepared for the worst and hope for the best.
Clark Jungle hammocks are the only 4 season hammock out. I have tested them several times in and around the end of November at 7,000-9,000 feet elevation. I have never got cold in mine!
In back packing you will pay high dollar for light weight small packing functional items. There is a reason it cost what it does. Its worth it!