Terms Of Use
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Use Restrictions
The MULEYMADNESS team maintains this site for your personal entertainment, information, education, and communication. Please feel free to browse the Site. You may download material displayed on the Site to any single computer only for your personal, noncommercial use. You may not, however, distribute, reproduce, republish, display, modify, reuse, repost, or use any materials of the site for public or commercial purposes on any other web site or otherwise without the written permission of the MULEYMADNESS team. Modification of any materials displayed on the Site is a violation of the operators’ copyright.
Images of people, big game animals, or places displayed on the site are either the property of, or used with permission by the operators. The use of these images by you is prohibited unless specifically permitted by these Terms of Use or specific permission provided elsewhere on the site. Any unauthorized use of the images may violate copyright laws.
Message Features
MULEYMADNESS.com may offer opportunities for you to send messages or postings in connection with various features including e-mail,
chats, and forums. In order to participate in any message feature, you may be required to provide accurate and complete personal information consisting of your name and e-mail address.
You must use message features in a correct manner. You must not
transmit any message that: a) is unlawful, threatening, hateful, obscene, vulgar, or offensive; b) restricts or inhibits others from enjoying the site; c) contains a virus or other damaging component;
d) contains false or misleading information or statements of fact;
e) contains information irrelevant or inappropriate to the message feature.
MULEYMADNESS team shall have the right to review, edit or delete and message transmitted in any message feature that: a) violates any term of these Terms of use that is illegal or inappropriate. We will also fully cooperate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing the Operators to disclose personal information of anyone who submits a message that violates the foregoing terms and in accordance with the Privacy
Notice of the site.
MULEYMADNESS may from time to time monitor or review messages submitted in discussions, chats, postings, transmissions, bulletin boards, and the like on the site. However, the operators are under no to-do so and the display of any message in any message feature does not constitute approval of endorsement by the MULEYMADNESS team.
Messages submitted to the site are considered non confidential and may be read, used, and intercepted by others.
Termination of Service
The MULEYMADNESS team may change, suspend, or discontinue any aspect of the site at any time. The team may also impose limits on certain features and services or restrict your access to parts of the site without notice or liability at any time. Upon any termination of this agreement, you will immediately discontinue your use of the site and eliminate all materials obtained from it.
The MULEYMADNESS team may at any time update or revise these Terms of Use
Last Updated: May 2014
Copyright © MULEYMADNESS, Inc. All Rights Reserved