Test Pictures of moultree and stealth cams

Well i bought two new trail cams. one is a stealth 2.0 and the other a moultree 1.3.
Two days of back yard tests proved these cams are working properly. :thumb
Can hardly wait to get out and set um up!! Headed out today into the desert to set them both up near a frequently used water hole.
Lots of mule deer been using these water sources, hopefully ill get some good pictures ,If not definatly some pictures of cattle!!! :)) 4c
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f287/thedesertbuck/CIMG1268.jpg" alt="" />
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f287/thedesertbuck/PIC_0018.jpg" alt="" />
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f287/thedesertbuck/ICAM0010.jpg" alt="" />
ooohhhh!!!!!thats some lion you caught on your camera.lol. we'll be looking forward to your pics
Looks great so far, hope for many more in the future.

So a rabbit with horns is a Jackalope.

What do you call a cat with horns? Just curious :)
A "Catolope"!!! :))
Both cameras are now set up on water, 4c time will tell
,ill leave them until thursday. My question now is
how long do you usually leave your camera soaking???
Its only been one night and im already
worried about them!! :)????? Im i getting any pics, ?
did i get the best possible set up,? is the heat going
to disturb my cameras?? Any ways heres a few pictures
i took yesterday while setting up my trailcams, its
been real dry here in southeastern arizona, but the
monsoons have kicked up a bit..
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f287/thedesertbuck/CIMG1220.jpg" alt="" />
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f287/thedesertbuck/CIMG1270.jpg" alt="" />
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f287/thedesertbuck/CIMG1273.jpg" alt="" />
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f287/thedesertbuck/CIMG1205.jpg" alt="" />
Depends how close I am to my cams. Sometimes I check them every few days, but usually I leave for 3-4 weeks at a time.

I'll be checking mine here in a couple of days. They have been out for a while. Hope to have some pics.

Nice pics, hope we all get some more rain. My it's dry and HOT!
looks like some great pics so far! :thumb
I try to leave mine on a average of three weeks. At that length of time I feel that I've got a good idea of whats in the area. That way you will know if it's just an animal passing through or if they are sticking to that area.

It's tought to leave them out that long but since you've got more than one start checking then at seperate times. This will help cut down on the waiting and the extra hiking is always a good thing. In this heat though try to get it done early. Up where I live if it gets into the mid 90's everybody's dying and the last couple of days it's been around a hundred. ??? :>/ :>/
hey ! that waterhole looks familiar ? where in arizona are you again ? I think we need to chat. I have one of these trail cams and I am not any good at getting it to wrok and there are two- count `em- 2 waterholesI want to see things at very BADLY !!!!!
Finally heres a few first trail cam deer pictures i took
last week and today!! Im hooked now !! Ill be going
out tomorrow to a different area,hopefully I'll
get that pic of that Big Buck!!
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f287/thedesertbuck/trail%20camera%20pictures/PIC_0007.jpg" alt="" />
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f287/thedesertbuck/trail%20camera%20pictures/2pt.jpg" alt="" />
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f287/thedesertbuck/trail%20camera%20pictures/4bar.jpg" alt="" />
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f287/thedesertbuck/trail%20camera%20pictures/PIC_0001.jpg" alt="" />
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f287/thedesertbuck/trail%20camera%20pictures/PIC_0009.jpg" alt="" />
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f287/thedesertbuck/trail%20camera%20pictures/4bar.jpg" alt="" />
Great pictures you have there. :thumb I'm guessing that they are all from the same camera? Gee before long we might have to start a support group for our addiction. :)

You'll find that as you keep going it will be all you want to thinlk about. Trying to decide which spots you want to take them to and how to get more cameras to watch moer spots. It just keeps getting worse and worse.

Good Luck You're going to need it. :))
Thanks bownut!!! I have 3 cameras i set up. Ones a
stealth stc-wd2,stc-ad3, and the other a moultree 1.3.
So far my stealth 2.0 taken the best pictures.
a week ago i left for five days and had 194 pic.
I had pic of doves,roadrunners ,crows, a buzzard,
squirrel, cattle, and even the local rancher!!
Headed out again to day to set up all three in a
different area. I wont be
off till next monday then ill check um out. I have to set
up the moultree real close to where i expect to get a picture
cuz the pir sensor doesnt reach out very far. But ill give it a try.
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f287/thedesertbuck/trail%20camera%20pictures/PIC_0002.jpg" alt="" />
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f287/thedesertbuck/trail%20camera%20pictures/PIC_0024.jpg" alt="" />
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f287/thedesertbuck/trail%20camera%20pictures/ICAM0008.jpg" alt="" />
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f287/thedesertbuck/trail%20camera%20pictures/PIC_0023.jpg" alt="" />
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f287/thedesertbuck/trail%20camera%20pictures/OplCommandServlet.jpg" alt="" />
sweet!!! :thumb
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Desert- have u found u like anyone camera over the other???
Nice, very nice. Gotta love results and you gottem! :thumb
Thanks!! So far the stealth cams are my reliable choice
of trailcam.
Its usually around 100 to 105 degrees
here every day and stand strong and dependable
in the heat. And also have been set out on some
big monsoon thunderstorms working no problems.
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f287/thedesertbuck/trail%20camera%20pictures/CIMG1502.jpg" alt="" />
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f287/thedesertbuck/trail%20camera%20pictures/CIMG1378.jpg" alt="" />
I have one of the old 1.3 MP Stealth Cams. It's worked great for me also. The only thing that I didn't like was the battery set up. It was set up to run on six AA's and I found that they only lasted a few days. :>/ The next year I went in and rewired it to accept an external battry pack. I got a battery pack that hald six D's and now it last for over a month at a time. :thumb

Hope to see more pictures soon.
stupid cats!