Texas mule deer
Wild Antlers
4/22/09 1:08pm
anyone know any areas near plano texas you can hunt muleys Im going to miss the archery hunt here in utah so I was hoping to get a muley tag and whitail tag this summer any info is much appreciated !
that might let you hunt on there land. Good luck.
I'm new to the boards, but I know quite a bit about hunting in Texas. As mentioned before, there are definitely no mule deer around the Plano area. There are a few up in the panhandle, which is not exactly right around the corner, but you'd be pretty hard pressed to find a "trophy" mule deer (170"+) up there. There are some big whitetails up there though! Your best bet is to head to the western part of the state for mule deer...Brewster County, Culberson County, Presidio County...somewhere around there. My avatar is a pic of a buck I killed this past season in Presidio County.
Also, like others mentioned, the public land hunting in Texas is few and far between. Private land is definitely the way to go. If you ask around, you may be able to get permission to hunt on someone's land, however more than likely you will have to pay for a package hunt or a lease. I know this isn't the ideal situation, but there are some monsters in TX if you go to the right place. My best friend killed a 216" off the same ranch as mine 2 years earlier! Good luck and welcome to Texas!