8/29/11 10:00pm
Well guys the buck is gone and i cant do much about it. The guy that has it know this site or has a buddy that gets on here and reads this. I hope you are happy with taking a kids buck that is my dream buck? Biggest thing ive ever shot at and im lucky enough to have someone take it. Ive lost sleep over this buck, spent countless hours looking for him and this isnt the way i was hoping it would end. You really screwed me over and ruined a year of hunting for me. Maybe if you have any kindness in your body you could give him back but thats up to you. :-k Thanks again buddy you just made my day! :>/ :>/ :>/
If your story is true that someone took the buck, knowing they didn't kill it or shoot it. Who does that? I mean seriously? Who wants a buck you didn't kill, knowing someone else did? Buck was probably dead when they took it, if not mortally wounded and dying. So they finish it off and claim it's there buck?
Personally I would be trying to find the rightful owner/hunter and return the deer.
Unless the person who has it claims they found it and finished it off like Brett said. It's not legal to remove a old skull you come across how can it be legal to take a fresh deer without reporting it??
The grey area would be if they knew you shot it, waited for you leave, and purposely and deceptively took the animal and claimed it as their own. HOWEVER, if they were just out hunting like you were and came across what they thought was an animal that was wounded and died from an unknown hunter then they would be well within their right to notch their tag and claim the animal. (Of course, this is all under the assumption that this was on public land) Apparently you were not present so they couldn't ask if it were yours and/or if you wounded a nice buck.
Sorry man, I do not know the whole story so this might all be conjecture. However, and it seems that I am in the minority here, I don't have a problem whatsoever with a guy that will notch his tag on a kill he found. The animal doesn't go to waste this way, which would bother me more than anything else. (Again, this is with the assumption that the guy didn't know who shot it and didn't sit and wait for the shooter to leave before grabbing the animal. That's a whole nother story and is quite literally stealing) I hate hearing about animals that go to waste and I could care less what he tells his friends. The animal was taken home and not left out there to rot.
Thanks guys, Drew
However, if they were trespassing and took the buck without punching a tag, there are two violations right there. I cannot stand the folks that cannot seem to play by the rules.
I'd still like to know why the posts in the original thread were cleared of content though. Was there something posted that probably shouldn't have been?
THe reason why i deleted those post its because thats how those poeple found the deer. Saw that post and went and found him. So i decided it would be best to take them off