That old house again !!

We had a beautiful full double rainbow yesterday. I wish i had a fish eye lens so i could have got the whole thing , but it did line up perfectly with the old house ." alt="" />
That's a beautiful picture, the composition is great. I think the colors are very complimentary to eachother (Yellow and Blue) makes for a very aesthetically pleasing picture!

By the way, any meteors on film (card) last night?
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"CoopersDesign" wrote:Rob,
That's a beautiful picture, the composition is great. I think the colors are very complimentary to eachother (Yellow and Blue) makes for a very aesthetically pleasing picture!

By the way, any meteors on film (card) last night?
The meteors would have had to hit me on the head to see them, it was very cloudy most of the evening !! Was there a nice shower going on last night ?? Did you get any ??
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that is to cool :thumb