The Big 6x7 Got Away
2/25/04 2:03pm
I went hunting near hoop lake ut last year for the first time and i brought along my 32 special lever action. I went up with my uncle and it was all hiking only 4 wheelers and vehicles are not allowed up there so it was quite a hard hunt. I didn't see this monster for about the third day of the hunt an me an my uncle were walking along this ridge line an we spotted some evergreens an there was a batch missing up top and there he was the big boy with his cows. it was an impossible shot to take because it was about a good thousand yard shot and even if i didi hit him there was no way to get up to where he was without a good day or so hike. but it was worth seeing the ghost of the woods and maybe next season i will meet up with him again because i am goin on horseback and i can get away from all the other hunters and really hunt the back country where the big boys live. well theres my story about the big boy but feel free to tell me aobut ur huntin stories or what u think about my story
If you cant hike 1000 yards in a day somethings wrong.
it wasnt that a couldnt hike a 1,000 yards but the thing is it was straight up an through all evergreens. i have hiked and seen what elk can go through and bout killed myself fallin from a 20 ft drop hikin through woods. i have got to say though it was the best hunt i ever been on even though it was my first elk hunt oh man how i loved it and i got hooked what an awesome animal the elk is. wakin up to a bugle aint half bad in my book lol well i cant say im happy that i didnt get him because me an my uncle was jus in the wrong place at the wrong time lol the second day of the hunt me an my uncle woke up an was goin to head out right behind the camp through this trail that we knew of but we got up about 10 minutes too late because the camp right next to us jus was headin up the trail right as we was goin out of the door of the trailer so we had to go soemwhere else. an what do u know as we returned to camp around lunch time there was a 4 x 5 hangin in there tree ahh it got to me a lil but it took all 5 of the men to drag this boy back and they ended up having to quarter it up jus to get it back to camp. oh how i would of liked to of been in that spot its one of those things where u would jus like to kick urself in the @$$ for it lol ahh well it was a great hunt and im plannin to go again this yr.