The family hunt

I have been back for awhile but have been running hard and have not had a chance to check in.

We had a very fast but fun none the less hunt again this year. On limited time and basicly a day and a half to hunt My brother, son Cody and I left Kansas on a Thursday evening and made our 12 hour trek to Wyoming.

After a couple of wonderful hours of sleep in the truck at the Walmart parking lot we bought the rest of our supplies and conservation stamps and headed out to set up camp. I really tried to pair back on stuff I took this year but still was loaded to the gills and still did not use but a fraction of what I brought. The cousins arrived from Colorado and nightfall was soon upon us, so we cooked up some venison brats and got everything set up for the next days hunt.

We awoke at 4:00 a.m. and headed out to each of our predetermined spots in the foothills that feed out to a basin. The goats normally start in the hills and then work out to the basin where thet are almost impossible to stalk. They will move back and forth thoughtout the day for whatever reason only antelope know which gives us the chance to make good stalks.

I told myself last year that my son Cody was on his own this year but I decided to hunt with him the first day because I really want him to score. I should just leave him be because he is very capable on his own and he is probably just being nice to his old dad letting me think I'm helping.

My brother was the first shot and he started the day with a nice doe (which is all he cares to take) and soon Both cousins had punched a tag. Cody and I were getting action but just could not seem to put together a successful stalk. We went 0 for 4 on stalks, but to be fair he had a easy shot he could have made but because of safety passed it up.

Anyway, opening day is gone and Cody and I have not scored and we have to leave by noon Sunday to get back home. We did not do the 4 a.m. thing again but headed out at dawn and found a small herd in the hills right off. It worked well because we had two quakies that covered us until we could get within range. There were four bucks in this group and I saw Cody was fixed on one in particular and had not seen there was actually a larger buck he could not see fro his point. It did not matter because in an instant he had filled his tag. I helped Cody quarter out his goat ang hang it in the quakies and I headed out with a three hours left to fill a tag. Honestly, I did not care if I did or not I was happy Cody had scored.

I hiked high up in the hills and set up in some rock formations glassing the area and found a herd of about thirty animals. There was several bucks and one that was pretty nice but they were between me and the basin just inside a fence on my side. I watched for quite a while in hopes they would turn and come back up to the hills allowing me a stalk. It was very entertaining watching fawns feeding from thier mothers and even a nice fight between two of the bucks that lasted fifteen minutes. My time was running out so I decided I had to try something. I worked as far down to the herd as possible but with all the eyes and thier location I just could not get in range. Again for whatever reason after sitting there for half an hour the herd split and some went under the fence to the basin and the others started my direction. The largest buck went the wrong direction but there was a buck in the group headed my direction. They were on a mission and not about to slow from the trot pace they were making and as it ended up I had about a fifty yard window where I could get off a shot. I did, it found it's mark and we were done. Six tags filled.

We decided to do things a little different next year, with more time and a combo hunt/fishing trip.

We have taken twentyfour antelope from this area the past four years and are going to give it a rest for a while now. We did not take any big goats mostly because the speed to which we hunt. A little time would yield better animals. But, then again the point of this trip is the time spent hunting and enjoying each other not the trophy." alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />
Great stuff! :thumb

Thanks for sharing your pics and story with us, sounds like a GREAT time.
southwind, looks like one heck of a successful hunt! CONGRATS!
Snake River Marksman
Sounds like a great time to me. Thanks for writing it up. What part of Wyoming is that?
With so little time, you did real good. :thumb
Southwind, Thanks for your story and photos. =D> That looks like some familiar country...... :) Good job on getting your Pronghorns with so little time. How big was that buck that went the wrong direction?
South Central Wyoming, Hiker knows exactly I believe.

The one that got away curled back down real nice but still extended upward from prongs and ears a good 6+" before it started to curl back and I was guessing 15" to maybe approaching 16", he had nice cutters and horns were very dark but did not appear extra heavy. I never got close enough for a real good study.

What was kind of neat for me was the buck I took was one of the bucks that had been involved in the fifteen minute brawl. That was a joy to watch.

I just love speed goats.......
Southwind, Yes I wanted to get up to Lake ????? to get some fishing in but ran out of time this year. I agree with you....watching the bucks during rut is my favorite part about antelope hunting. :thumb