The Halloween Buck
11/11/07 10:46am
My dad was able to locate this buck on Halloween, we went back this weekend and was able to watch this magnificent animal. I think we have a new deer to hunt. WOW check out the mass & points & cheaters & width. WOW hope you enjoy.
Certainly one IMPRESSIVE beast!
I hopes to have better pictures later, but for now these will have to do.
oh and i have officially named him The Halloween buck. Due to the fact he was found on Halloween day.
What a buck, I remember him from last year. :thumb
sorry man your buddy, isn't hunting this buck. There is no season going where he is at. He is not in Nevada. Not the same buck.
That's awesome. The best thing is that he lives on a general season unit. Must be a smart old buck to survive. Looks like he has plenty of cedars to hide in. I hope you and your dad can keep tabs on him. I think in order to get him you will need to find out where he spends his summers because he is obviously not coming down to the winter range until the hunts are over with. Or have you been able to see him before the season starts?
Yea where he is at, i have studied a map tell i'm blue in the face, this year i'll be putting more effort into finding his summer range.
I'd jump for joy if i could, it's going to be a long winter thinking about where to hang all the trail camera's What you got going on these days?