The only one's I have ever seen..
7/15/10 7:21pm
One day I'd love to have a shot at one somewhere out west.I'm not a resident of SD,and I think these are protected where they live..These were in the Custer State park in April of 2009..Thought I would share. " alt="" />


7/16/10 3:38am
They have 2 resident only seasons for sheep in SD. One is usually about 2 tags in the Black Hills, that,s where I got mine. And the other used to be about 2-4 tags in Custer State Park only. A few years ago they had a very large die-off in the park and closed the season. I don't know if they have opened it yet or not.

7/16/10 2:19pm
Congrats to you!Are you a dual resident?Or have since moved?I was turkey hunting on my trip to the hills,and was actually just sight seeing when we saw them.I heard of another area that had a population of them on the outskirts in a legal area.I read somewhere about pneumonia killing alot of them in another state as well.

7/16/10 9:31pm
Have since moved, the wrong way(East) to Iowa about 4 years ago. Actually only 18 miles East, but it put me in a different State. Back to where I grew up. But I'm always wishing I was in the mountains!! South Dakota has some very good rams for the few that get to hunt them.

7/18/10 10:13am
It seems like a nearly impossible dream to even get a chance at one.I see some people have been waiting 8-30+ years for a chance..IHere is another pic,and it's easy to see which one is bigger really don't care too much about score..I hear people say 200" ram would be a state record..What do you think the bigger one would score?160-170? " alt="" />


7/18/10 4:00pm
I drew a sheep tag this year with only 4 points. So miracles do happen. lol I would say that bigger ram is in more of the 150-160 range but I'm not a great judge. I'm not really going to be that worried about score on my hunt. Just hoping to find the best looking one for a mount. [-o<

7/18/10 6:47pm
Ridgetop I think you have the right idea when it comes to your sheep hunt. That it is more about the adventure and the actual hunt, from the scouting to the trip to the taxidermist. Make it an unforgetable memory! I hope it all goes well. Also I think you are close on your score of this ram. I got lucky on my tag also and drew after only 6yrs. So yes miracles do happen, just make the most of them when they do!

7/18/10 8:51pm