The pink hoodie once again proves it's luck!
10/19/09 10:48am
I passed up a few smaller bucks the opening morning. Alot of tough hiking up steep canyons to get away from all the orange hunters everywhere you would look.
I couldnt resist when this 4x4 buck stepped out broadside at 80 yards. dropped him with one lung shot.. Im pretty dang happy with my first buck!
Met 2 new hunting partners along the way, thanks for all their help dragging him out and impressed them when a "girl" gutted her own buck
Chad said he was humiliated when a chick out shot him heeheehee
hes not a monter but couldnt of been happier with the adventure
Found a 4 pt deer shed, a moose shed and petrified baby starfish.. needless to say the pack was heavy coming out of there " alt="" />
"Hells Canyon" the name says it all. Perdy from the ridge but miserable getting up there " alt="" /> " alt="" />
I couldnt resist when this 4x4 buck stepped out broadside at 80 yards. dropped him with one lung shot.. Im pretty dang happy with my first buck!
Met 2 new hunting partners along the way, thanks for all their help dragging him out and impressed them when a "girl" gutted her own buck
Chad said he was humiliated when a chick out shot him heeheehee
hes not a monter but couldnt of been happier with the adventure
Found a 4 pt deer shed, a moose shed and petrified baby starfish.. needless to say the pack was heavy coming out of there

"Hells Canyon" the name says it all. Perdy from the ridge but miserable getting up there

PS where do I buy myself a pink hoodie? I might be willing to wear one to see more four points.
Thats a great first buck.
Though i would gladly gut your buck for you, i think its awsome that not only are you willing to do it but can.
CONGRATS on a great lookin' buck! Too Cool! :not-worthy
was this in utah? congrats that is very cool you do it all yourself!
Congrats on a great looking buck!
Great job and YES I remember that pink hoodie, never retire that.
Maybe next year hunter pink and orange will be in the reg's lol
One question.. Ive heard if you soak the meat in milk overnight it will drownd out the game taste.. Is that true?
I want the first Pink Muley Madness Hoodie lol
Anyway congrats on your hunt, that's a nice buck :thumb You did the hunt just right. 10sign: