The Plan

Leaving home tomorrow, hope to be in Culbertson MT mid afternoon.

Do some bird hunting until 5-6 pm, camp in school section [state land] on the prairie.

Next day after the morning hunt head to Glascow, down US #2 to save time. I would rather go across country, But, the time thing.

Fuel up, get supplies, then into the badlands. Probably 2 maybe 3 days. More remote camps.
Bird hunting, lots of glassing and Muley scouting.

If time allows a day in the Little Belt Mountains for a little Elk scouting and some Blue Grouse hunting.

More later. Wish Me Luck.
Good luck Wayne. I hope you enjoy yourself (How could ya not?!?!)

Take some pics and let us know how it goes.
Good luck Wayne,

Can't wait to see the pictures and hear how the scouting went. Hope you find a nice one. :thumb
GoodLuck Wayne,its a good year for antlergrowth on my side of the map,muleys look great,antelope are decent elk look great.Birds on my side are the best i have seen in 10 years! :222