The reality of the spider bull

The reality of the spider bull
What a shock that you of all people would post a link like this. :lame

The 'expert' the BIASED 'reporter' quoted says it's not as admirable as a DIY hunt. That begs the question, since the article brings into question if this hunt was under fair chase conditions, what is by definition 'do it yourself'? If a brother/father/neighbor/friend help is it still do it yourself? If so, how so?

Sadly, this pinhead writer (not a reporter since he induced personal views instead of sticking with reporting the news) buys into the same unproven rumors on how this bull was harvested. He, like my zealous buddy NONYA has done, omitted the FACT that EVERY archer/rifle/muzzy LE elk hunter and their family/friends/guides had a crack at finding/killing this bull. In fact, the hunter who drew the EXACT SAME tag (called the Sportsman tag) had guides/locals helping him had first dibs on the spider bull. Odd how that little tidbit was left out of the 'story'. #-o
What a suprise that one of this crews EMPOYEES comes to their defense,this article was written by someone with the same view that most have of this kind of hunting,just wanted everyone to know that they arnt alone,sportsmen all over are tired of seeing hunting turned into a sport where the wealthy write their own rules by being the highest bidder,where trophys are bought and paid for.This article was written by a man who has spent many years working with the MT F&G to keep our hunting and fishing open to the common man,not cowtowing to the wealthy to make a few bucks because he cant or wont get a real job.This article relays the feeling of all the hunters I know,none of them are trying to eek a living from the lazy that want to buy their trophys though,they love hunting for what it should be. :-k Pro I wont waste any more of my time responding to your babble,you are one of the people that promote exactly what is killing our sport and therfore not worth the time it takes to read your rhetoric. ](*,)
"NONYA" wrote:Pro I wont waste any more of my time responding to your babble,you are one of the people that promote exactly what is killing our sport and therfore not worth the time it takes to read your rhetoric. ](*,)
Is that a promise? [-o< xcrossx