the right ammo???
9/2/14 1:10pm
hey folks i have a few questions about factory ammo for elk hunting.
There are many very fine rounds out the from different manufacturers. I've always been partial to Winchester myself and have always liked Nosler bullets. Just remember, there is no magic bullet out there that will do everything in every situation on every animal at every distance.
I know, not much help. My preference is Winchester XP3's, no longer made though. Second choice is Nosler Accubonds, which can be found in the Winchester line. I'm sure you'll find many more recommendations as most that have been hunting for a number of years have been searching for that magic bullet.
Look into the Barnes line for the .25-06. Amazing penetration and nearly 100% weight retention. I shot a big bodied mulie in 2012 with a .25-06 100gr. TTSX quartering on hard and made a pass-through entering the right shoulder and out left hip. Unfortunately, I do not know any factory loads with the .25-06 115gr. TSX.
HSM .25-06 with the 115gr. Berger VLDs. I am shooting a similar setup this year, but hand loads. Accuracy is phenomenal. I am anxious to see how the Bergers perform on game.
HSM also offers 120gr. Speer BTSP, and 120gr. Speer Grand Slam.
Winchester .25-06 110gr. Accubond CT
Hornady .25-06 117gr. SST Superformance
Lastly, the Federal line. .25-06 117 gr. Sierra GameKing, 115gr. Nosler Partition, 117 Speer HotCor, or the 120gr. Federal Fusion.
I think the 7mm-08 is suitable for elk at shorter distances with most good, proper weight bullets (150-180gr.) and proper shot placement. I think it is a better round than the .308 personally.
Any ideas?
Remember, people take a lot of game with 6.5 x284, 6.5x47 Lapua, and 6.5 Creedmoor. The .25-06 is not that far below those rounds. .257 bullet compared to a .264