the rut

So I want to plan a 3 night back pack trip into the front even though I'm not sure where to go not being to familiar with it probably gonna use the advise I've already got from a few of u fellow hunters but any extra info would be fine by me but back to my question what weekend would be the best to hit the rut? I have the equipment and will to deal with the weather just not sure when the rut will be the best thanks for your replays. If anyone wants to come along I have no problem with that either hd
The last week in Nov. is usually the best for rutting activity.
I just went out last night to have a look, scan and glassed lots of country in one area looking for rut activity. Saw NONE
whatsoever. Saw 32 deer total, 1 spike and 1 very small 2x3. Southern Utah

The week before Thanksgiving last year the rut was ON in So. Utah
Spent 3 days in Northern Utah on the muzzleloader elk hunt last week. The rut was definitely on... saw 8 bucks (6 of them 4pt or better and each had a group of does they were with). Watched the bigger bucks sniff the does, rake tree branches, etc.

I really think the big snow storm we got up here 2 weeks ago may have jump started it a bit.
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I like the weekend before Thanksgiving too.
I was in Northern Utah from the 7th to the 10th. I saw a few bucks rutting but they werent completely into it yet. I would give it another week or two.