The slowest 10 days of the year
9/16/13 11:15am
I noticed the muzzleloader forum has been silent for a number of weeks and decided to try and revive it. I am sitting at the office watching the time crawl slowly by and wishing the muzzy opener was here. The 7-10 days prior to a hunting trip always seem to be the slowest of my life (except for the last 10 days of a deployment). ](*,)
For the past number of years I have always done archery for the general season deer hunt here in Utah. This year I decided to explore something new and put in for a muzzleloader tag for the Pine Valley unit that I grew up hunting. My brother and I were both fortunate to draw tags and have been preparing ever since.
After a lengthy debate, I finally decided to purchase the CVA Optima V2, and I have not regretted it. After a number of trips to the range, I have been impressed with accuracy of this rifle. I am getting 1" groups at 100 yds with 85 grains of BH209, 300 grain Hornady SST's, and a 1x Thompson Center Hawken Hunter scope.
My brother and I both have the duration of the hunt off of work, and we know the unit well. I hope to be able to share some field photos of a dandy buck before too long. Now all I need is a remote like Adam Sandler had in the movie "Click" to fast forward the next 10 days.
Best of luck to the rest of you muzzleloader hunters. I hope to see your bucks here as well.
For the past number of years I have always done archery for the general season deer hunt here in Utah. This year I decided to explore something new and put in for a muzzleloader tag for the Pine Valley unit that I grew up hunting. My brother and I were both fortunate to draw tags and have been preparing ever since.
After a lengthy debate, I finally decided to purchase the CVA Optima V2, and I have not regretted it. After a number of trips to the range, I have been impressed with accuracy of this rifle. I am getting 1" groups at 100 yds with 85 grains of BH209, 300 grain Hornady SST's, and a 1x Thompson Center Hawken Hunter scope.
My brother and I both have the duration of the hunt off of work, and we know the unit well. I hope to be able to share some field photos of a dandy buck before too long. Now all I need is a remote like Adam Sandler had in the movie "Click" to fast forward the next 10 days.
Best of luck to the rest of you muzzleloader hunters. I hope to see your bucks here as well.
Hoping for another great hunt with my grandpa, dad, uncle, brother, and one of my best friends. I haven't harvested since 2010... so this has to be the year, right?
I'm certain it will be.
I hope.
Derek...I've enjoyed reading your stories from the past couple of years. I'm pulling for this to be your year!
I covered the whole board with fresh white paper and started blasting away. One shot hit paper, then a second, then a third... a nice tight little group but I could see that I needed to make a slight tweak to my elevation and windage. I break out the screw driver and adjust the ol' iron sights. A few more rounds go downrange and nothing hits paper! I'd get one of every three to five shots to hit paper and they were all over the place. I put the sights back where they were originally & couldn't get anything on paper there either.
As I sit here and type I realize my error... I was adjusting the sights the wrong direction! That was an awful lot of $$$ thrown downrange for such a rookie mistake. Looks like I'll be looking around for a range that has some options for shorter distances to see how badly I screwed this up! Good thing I have a sense of humor and there's still a week to go.
Several weeks ago I was out shooting my muzzleloader with my brother and we were making some final adjustments to our scopes. A couple of shots later we were both way off of the center of the target. We soon realized that we had somehow switched rifles (We have identical rifles/scopes) and made adjustments to the others' rifle. Needless to say, it took some extra time and bullets to get back shooting straight.
Tomorrow morning will be my final scouting trip and I'm hoping to find a mature buck. Last trip yielded 5 bucks but they were all 2 points. I know a better one is out there, but it's awfully hard to be patient!
On a side note, I took my muzzy out one last time to check zero and see how it shot at 200 yards. I placed 4 out of 5 shots into a 10 inch pie plate and felt pretty good! I'm stoked for tomorrow morning!
Wac em en stack em. :thumb