The Stalk

So...this guy is about 60 yds from that monster you think he gets the shot or not?

Unfortunately, the caribou "sniffed" him and trotted off.

VERY COOL to watch.
Now that is AWESOME!! Is he your buddy? How far back where you with the camera, WAY COOL indeed. To bad he didn't get a shot. Looks like a dandy for sure.
Nope, not a buddy, just another instance of being in the right place at the right time. As I said, I've got a good Zoom lens with a coupler, so I can get good quality, clear shots from far off.

One of my favorite pics, so far.
whoa, you were just wandering around in bc or somethin? How did you just happen to walk across a guy stalking a huge caribou? Thats awesome and a great pic. - how far were you though when you took that shot? Just curious how good your camera really is (obviously its proven itself, but just outa curiosity)
I don't think you were here, when I explained I've been working up in Alaska on the Northslope for the past 8 months. I just bought a Canon D30 with an 800mm zoom lens. I don't have much to do after work, but go take pictures, so I get a lot of opportunity.
oh wow - yeah, i must've missed that one. Well thats awesome!! I bet that was quite an experience - im not familiar with the camera as i havent been keeping track of much video or photography stuff for the past 2 or 3 years (I even forgot just about everything about my camera) but an 800mm zoom - you dont have to be a pro to figure that one out! thats awesome though.

You said you dont have much to do after work but take pictures, I just assumed that Coopers Design was some sort of photography thing, am I wrong? Im really not too smart, so bear with me. hah

Anyways, great picture regardless of any of this. thanks for sharing!
I'm an electrician by trade, working on the one of the pumpstations (3) up here on the pipeline until January. My wife and I started Cooper's Rugged Design. We design outdoors apparel and accessories. VERY close to launching our website...and we'll make sure everyone gets a link to it, when we get it live. We're also photographers, planning on selling some prints. Yeah, my routine is pretty much: Work, Take Pictures, Sleep, Repeat.
huh, well thats pretty cool, you got a little bit of everything goin on. You definately need to send us all the link once you get the site up. Good luck to ya and i hope all works out
I know that it's tough being away from home but to get to wander around in country that is that pretty wouldn't be too bad.

Great pictures by the way.
yes indeed looks like some great country
Great photo! =D>

I have some hunting friends who bow hunt caribou in AK and they sent me a video of footage that looks exactly like that. One of the ways they get in bow range is to hold their bows above their heads and walk toward the bedded caribou. Many times they got within bow range and the bull would stand up and offer a perfect broadside shot. They killed one or two on this video, using that technique.
That's a bummer......that is a nice Caribou!! Great pic!!
shed hunter
sheesh how close is that?
That is a really cool pic and nice boo too.
He's about 60yds i believe from the caribou. Didn't get him. He contacted us later on for "proof" to show his wife that he really was hunting all those weeks he'd been gone. She was wondering what he was doing since he hadn't come back with anything!
i think he is a LOT closer than 60 yards. maybe the guy with the camera is 60 yards. Nice pic anyway. to bad he didnt get a shot!
No, this shot is taken with a 100-400mm telephoto zoom lens with a 2x converter. The shot was taken from a lot further away...more like 100yds. It just LOOKS like he's closer than he really because the nature of the shot.
My husband, Harlan, took this photo.
thats a perty cool pic
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Wow, looks like a crazy stalk! Too bad he couldn't connect.