The Stalk
8/16/06 11:01am
So...this guy is about 60 yds from that monster you think he gets the shot or not?
Unfortunately, the caribou "sniffed" him and trotted off.
VERY COOL to watch.
Unfortunately, the caribou "sniffed" him and trotted off.
VERY COOL to watch.
One of my favorite pics, so far.
I don't think you were here, when I explained I've been working up in Alaska on the Northslope for the past 8 months. I just bought a Canon D30 with an 800mm zoom lens. I don't have much to do after work, but go take pictures, so I get a lot of opportunity.
You said you dont have much to do after work but take pictures, I just assumed that Coopers Design was some sort of photography thing, am I wrong? Im really not too smart, so bear with me. hah
Anyways, great picture regardless of any of this. thanks for sharing!
Great pictures by the way.
I have some hunting friends who bow hunt caribou in AK and they sent me a video of footage that looks exactly like that. One of the ways they get in bow range is to hold their bows above their heads and walk toward the bedded caribou. Many times they got within bow range and the bull would stand up and offer a perfect broadside shot. They killed one or two on this video, using that technique.
My husband, Harlan, took this photo.