The Ultimate Fun Gun?

Just picked this up today and will hopefull get a few rounds down range this weekend.

Thompson M1927-A1 made by Auto Ordinance, which was one of the manufacturers of the originals back in the '20s and '30s. Today, they are built using the exact same plans and specs as the originals. 230gr .45 ACP ball ammo. Semi-automatic instead of the full auto of the originals. Flip up rear peep sight that will probably be used once just to see how it works. 20 round stick magazine, 50 round drum magazine, violin case and a hard case.

I have always loved these guns and one showed up in the store a couple of months ago. Put her on lay away and snuck it home today. Weighs quite a bit more than all of my hunting rifles but this one is for play.

I really don't plan on using the 50 round drum except a couple of times. Once, at least, with a stop watch to see how fast I can empty it.

Should be fun!
Springville Shooter
Sweet looking piece of fun you got there. Looking forward to some videos.-SS
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Looks fun! You'll have to let us know how it shoots...
Well, went out and put about 100 rounds down range.


You really need to be a masculine sort to have fun with this thing. Pulling the bolt back takes a bit of effort as it bit into my hand. It weighs probably more than any firearm I've ever shot that was not mounted. Loading the 50 round drum can take a bit of time time. Winding the key on the drum to load the spring, well, I need to do a bit more shooting to get it down. I had two jams and I believe there was not enough load on the spring.

The good?

I had the best time EVER with any firearm I've ever fired. Turns out what I though was a 10 round stick magazine (as advertised) is actually a 30 round magazine! The stick mag had no problems what so ever. I didn't try the flip up peep sight as when it is down there is a dove tail rear sight and I figured I'd see how that would work.

It works.

My old laptop was the target and it caught more than a few rounds. I felt very good to see the demise of that piece of crap.

No recoil that you could really notice as the thing weighs so much plus that bolt spring is HEAVY. I've got a couple of bite marks in my hand from pulling it back. Changing out the 50 round drum is a bit of a chore. For those who have shot one of these, you know what the "third hand" is. For those who haven't, well, be prepared.

I had a blast shooting this thing with my cousin. Nothing like sending 230gr of lead down range as fast as you can pull the trigger! I'm talking about sending 30 or 50 rounds down range, not 7 like my 1911A1! And seeing that barrel smoke just adds to the cool factor!

For those wanting videos, I don't own a video camera, let alone have a clue how to upload one. I know my phone will do videos but the quality would be so bad I might get banned. Let's just say that my cousin now wants one and I'm not sure he can even own one legally.

Yes, I'm sure this is the ultimate fun gun, but not for the weak wristed
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Sounds like you had quite the weekend with it! It's always fun to get a new rifle- no matter what type.