The value of a good wheeler

I knew that there was a reason that I got one of these. :)

Just hope that my picture has a bison on top of mine. [-o<" alt="" />
Unless you own or hunt on a friends private property they are usless around here,illegal to use on anything but an established road on public lands and u cant use them on block managment lands.I see them in the back of trucks all hunting season,they are like status symbol that never gets used.
Yeah we can only run ours on approved roads also. There are a bunch of roads that I could take my truck down but it would be a long and bumpy ride. I would rather do it on a fourwheeler. Even if I have to pack it to the road.
The game round here dont flinch when they here a truck comin up the road,they here a wheeler and they vanish.I have seen a herd of elk on a ridge continue feeding while truck after truck passed below them on a forest service road,here comes 2 wheelers and thier heads fly up and they trot off,ill take my truck.
If and when I ever get one, I'll be using more around the house than anything else.

A few years back had a few good ol' boys from Louisanna come up and camped next to us. They all had four wheelers and we let them know they couldn't take them off road. Well, after a couple of days with the temps in the 10's and 20's, they figured out they aren't the best for hunting in CO.

Give me a horse any day over a four wheeler.

I asuume this is real? That is nuts, thanks for the photo. I'm laughing still.

I'll this didn't work though and the guy didn't get far.
The Ox
pretty funny but looks fake to me!
I have no idea if it is real or not.

I have had a full elk and three people on mine when we were hauling out the first elk I ever shot. It held up fine on that trip.