The west's top archery hunts

I havent had much success with asking questions and getting responses, but here is another for you to have a go at.

Where do you think that the West's best archery hunts are and why?
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Since I am from Utah then let me start with what I know:

Mule Deer: Pansagaunt holds a good number of bucks and still occasionally produces a giant every now and then. Non-residents can apply for this unit and odds run 1 in 45. It is one of Utah's two Premium Limited Entry units. I also think that for someone looking to just go out and hunt, the STATEWIDE general archery hunt is an Awesome oppertunity! The tags are avaliable over the counter after Mid-July. There are some great bucks taken on general units, but to be honest hunting is pretty tough unless you know some places. Other than that I'd say try ANY draw unit. There is a reason they are draws, all the units will hold great archery bucks, its just the quantity thats the issue.

Elk: A few years back they had the AR301 hunt which was done away with, but the up side to this is that there are now archery elk hunts where they haven't been any in the past! These hunts take place over a three week period and the later part is wile the rut is in full swing. Not many nor-resident tags are offered in Utah, but if you draw ANY of the units you wont be dis-satisfied! My pick this year was Mt. Dutton in South Central Utah. This unit has been up and coming in the past few years and I believe is now in its prime. This is only one of many GREAT elk units in the state. In my opinion its not so much the Limited Entry unit you put in for, its drawing the tag that is the hard part!

Let me know come the end April if any of you draw! I'd love to help out in any way I can!
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Well, for Elk i don't think many places can beat arizona. Of course I haven't hunted in other states.

For deer, I hunt both coues deer and mule deer, I know of places other than the famed kaibab that have bucks of equivalent sizes. I hunt those in Az. I think bohnter knows where I am talking about. :arrow
DBARCHER.....where you been? Glad you're still around here.


There are still many good archery hunts in the West. I will only list opportunites for non-residents and they will be general for obvious reasons.


ANY unit in Arizona is good, PERIOD! (Now if they'll just have a separate drawing for Ol' BOHNTR only, I might be able to go again. :) )
Utah has some great elk hunts, but getting drawn is almost impossible for non-residents. Same for Nevada. New Mexico has some great archery-only units where taking a mid range bull (300-320") is VERY possible and the odds of getting drawn aren't too bad. Montana, Idaho and Oregon all have good draw rates with decent numbers of elk. These are more physically demanding hunts though, so be prepared.

Colorado has A LOT of elk and odds of drawing are outstanding if not guaranteed. However, the OVERALL trophy potential is lower. A good unit with lots of bulls and not a lot of points needed is 61. Although, a buddy has been sending me photos of an unsubscribed high country area that has lots of un-hunted 320" bulls. (maybe they'll lure me there soon)


Mule Deer is a whole other story. Utah has some great potential, however after this years slaughter of bucks in the southern zone with early snows, things will be tougher this year in that region. The archery pauns hunt is still good, but there are better hunts, IMO. I sure wish they would offer non-residents an archery tag in the Henries.....I'd be putting in there. Elk Ridge and Book Cliffs is also a good archery hunt for mid-size bucks (160-170"). Again, non-residents have a lot tougher odds.

ANY high country unit in Colorado has opportunites for some trophy bucks. Again, unit 61 and 55 have some good bucks but it will take a few points to draw. Too many good units with less points to hold out for unit 2 or 10, IMO. If you can backpack in, Colorado is the place and you'll go every year.

Arizona is one of my favorite places to hunt and still has good bucks throughout the state. However the Kaibab is WAY down, and for the first time in 20 years, I will not be going there this bow season. Last year the numbers were at an all-time low. I've got a wall full of monster bucks from there, but many of them are from the "better" years. It's in trouble up there, IMO. Instead, I'll be in a Colorado alpine chasing big bucks.

Oregon has some good opportunites, but some of their areas are down hill too. The Hart Mountain hunt used to be great. But for the amount of points it takes now coupled with the lack of big bucks, you're better off hunting other units in Baker County.

Idaho and Montana have decent opportunites for mid-sized bucks. All the high country will hold them.

Nevada has some tremendous bucks every year. But getting drawn is another story, even for archers. I still put in though and build points.

Don't count out California. They have the BEST opportunity to bowhunt trophy Blacktails. I can't remember how many book animals I've arrowed here. Long seasons, lots of public land, lots of deer, and over the counter archery tags.

Well, there you have it. My opinion only, and I hope it helps.
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I have had some health problems recently so I have not been around. I would be interested in learning more about the colorado alpine hunts. Are they a draw hunt. You know you are gonna get a pull tag this year in Az. :thumb

Glad you're better and back on board.......this place needs to liven up a bit. :)

All the deer tags in Colorado have to be drawn, however, many can be drawn with no Preference Points for archery. Literally EVERY high mountain range holds good mule deer, some more than others. The wildernesses in Mesa County are good, along with the alpine country in the San Juans. The wilderness/alpine areas above Meeker & Rifle also hold some good bucks.

I have a friend that hunts the alpine areas every year and sees no one during the archery/muzzleloader season. He's smoked 3 bucks in as many years, all of which grossed over 180 " B&C.

If you download the stats from Colorado, you'll see A LOT of high country units for archery that did NOT sell out for first choice applicants. Not all of these areas are good for deer, but some are. Compare those counties with the latest P&Y and B&C entries and you'll see which counties are currently producing good bucks.

As for Arizona, I'm not holding my breath. The last time I was drawn for archery elk was in 1999. With my permenant Bonus Point, I have 6 points for elk. I'm maxed out for deer. I want to become one of the first to kill a monster on the strip with nothing but my BOW! Who knows, maybe this will be the year. Good luck.
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Thanks for the input guys! These Alpine hunts with bows in Colorado, common sense tells me that backpacking would be the trick on these hunts. What have you done in the past? Good optics and strong legs are a must I imagine too! If I cant get drawn, maybe I'll have to try hunting Arizona! I am hoping to draw a archery elk tag here in Utah, but you know how that goes, only time can tell and luck has to be on your side! Thanks again guys! Its nice to see a little action here in the REAL OUTDOORSMEN forum! Lets face it, you get 'em with a bow they mean more and it really is tougher to do!! :arrow
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Thanks for the info on your last post. It is always tough to get good info on archery units in the West.

I live in Oregon and was lucky enough to draw a Hart Mtn. tag two years ago. You are right about the quality being down. Lots of bucks, but I was a little disappointed with the size of bucks I saw. Maybe I had too high of expectations. I did end up taking a nice 180" typical, but it took me 8 days of hard hunting to do it.

I'm curious what parts of Baker County you refer to? I realize you may not want to give up any honey holes, but that is a big county.

Any help would be appreciated. You could always send me a PM if you wish.