the wife beat me

Well she has done it. My wife killed a bigger animal than I and I couldn't be happier. She shot this guy on the way out to leave for the weekend. She made a killer shot and still needed a follow up for reason we still can't figure out. When you hit an animal quartering away 5 inches back from the shoulder and exit in front of the opposite shoulder a third of the way up the body you would think they would die pretty quickly. Well not this guy but the tag is cut and the wife has a wall hanger. His is 12 inches tall on one side and just under 12 on the other and his cutters are awesome. It took thirteen days in the field but she toughed through it a came away with her 2nd archery trophy." alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />

I want to thank my wife for the great time we had and I can't wait to do it again. Even if I do always have to drive while you sleep.
To harvst a pronghorn with a bow is DEFINATELY on my to do list in this world.. Congrats to her, that's weird about the follow up shot??? How long was it between the two shots?
No kiddin, did she ever. Great buck, tell her CONGRATS for us. That's awesome. Same unit as you??
NICE!! CONGRATS to your wife! That's a great lookin' buck.
Yeah the follow up shot happened about a mile and a half latter and put him down quickly. It was on the same unit as mine. She got hers about 2 miles form where I shot mine. I hate to encourage more competition but hunting these antelope with a bow has been the most exiting hunting I have done yet. I cant' wait to do it again. I highly recommend the experience. Just make sure you give yourself some time.
wow! that's a long ways with a first shot like the one that was made! That's cool you guys got to experience your hunts together thogh, again - big congrats! I'll bet that was pretty tough
Tell your bride, Congrats! =D> Sounds like you two had a great hunt.
Great buck, tell her CONGRATS :arrow =D> :thumb
Snake River Marksman
Congrats to both of you.

The first shot sounds like maybe a single lung hit. Antelope have HUGE lungs and heart. They need them to run the way they do. If you don't poke a hole through both, they can travel a good long ways before they bleed out.

That's just my take on it.
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Congrats to both of you, at first I thought this was about domestic abuse.
"Larry" wrote:Congrats to both of you, at first I thought this was about domestic abuse.
Yeah I always tease my wife about her beating me but it is always in fun and that is why I named the post that.