The worst thing happened This weekend!!!
9/10/06 1:21pm
The worst thing happened this weekend on my deer hunt! As we were driving we spotted 3 small bucks staning on top of a grassy hill! Me and my brother made a plan to have him drive the truck away so they would keep there eyes on him while i made a stock. As i went up the hill they were no where to be found so i started back to the truck and then i looked to my left. There stood a buck over 30 inches wide about 60 yards away with a bush in front of the kill shot. The big buck staired at me for about 4 seconds then took off! My brother and his friend dont believe me that it was over 30 inces wide!!! But i know what i saw and there are times when i see a buck and say that it is a nice one when it is a tiny one but this time its the truth! It was the biggest buck i have ever saw in my life!!!
hope you have a good hunt and hope you get a deer!!! GOOD LUCK!