They are not just stupid people...

with silly harmless view points. This just in:

"Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently announced the Obama Administration will be working hand-in-glove with the UN to pass a new "Small Arms Treaty." Disguised as an "International Arms Control Treaty" to fight against "terrorism," and "international crime syndicates," the UN's Small Arms Treaty is in fact a massive, GLOBAL gun control scheme.

Ultimately, the UN's Small Arms Treaty is designed to register, ban and CONFISCATE firearms owned by private citizens. So far, the gun-grabbers have successfully kept the exact wording of their new scheme under wraps. But looking at previous versions of the UN Small Arms Treaty, you and I can get a good idea of what's likely in the works.

If passed by the UN and ratified by the U.S. Senate, the UN "Small Arms Treaty" would almost certainly FORCE the U.S. to:
* Enact tougher licensing requirements, making law-abiding Americans cut through even more bureaucratic red tape just to own a firearm legally;

* CONFISCATE and DESTROY ALL "unauthorized" civilian firearms (all firearms owned by the government are excluded, of course);

* BAN the trade, sale and private ownership of ALL semi-automatic weapons;

* Create an INTERNATIONAL gun registry, setting the stage for full-scale gun CONFISCATION."

From another recent author:
"ideas are more dangerous than guns. If we would not let them have guns, why would we let them have an idea?" Joseph Stalin

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They need our cooperation to mess with us. Don't cooperate. Actually you have an obligation to not cooperate with any illegal activity the government comes up with. If it's not constitutional don't do it you'll only enslave yourself and your children!! We had a legal issue with the photo traffic enforcement here in Phoenix and eventually no one paid the fines and it went away.
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Here's a news article from Az about the guns being illegally purchased here and taken to Mexico. Seems that the ATF is letting the known gunrunners buy guns and take them to Mexico to study the flow and develop a plan I would assume. Some estimates are that nearly 3000 have gone through Operation Gunrunner so far (over 700 just from this one guy). So this is why we see questionable people passing the NIC checks andpurchasing firearms regularly here. The ATF is letting it happen endangering everyone here. Problem is that then they blame this on responsible gun owners and gun shops and want to take our guns away. This is pretty bad.
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"m gardner" wrote:... the ATF is letting the known gunrunners buy guns and take them to Mexico to study the flow and develop a plan
"... to study and develope a plan" !? What ATF dribble! Even a rookie knows that the little fish roll over on the big fish, then you get your wire taps and warrants, and make your arrests. What is the ATF really up to! This sounds like a stall job in lieu of truth!
