Thinking about a new bow

Hey guys. I just sold my bow (PSE Nova) and I am looking into getting a new bow. What bow do you guys shoot and what would you recommend for an intermediate shooter. Heads up, I'm only 15 and am pretty limited by my budget ](*,) Thanks.
one hunting fool
I love hoyt! very forgiving however some hoyt are noisy. so go to a proshop and shoot before you buy. that is the best advice i can give you.
Shoot a lot of bows in your price range & pick the best shooter
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I like Hoyt or their little brother Reflex. Good bows for a little less. Diamond also makes some good bows. Right now you could probably pick up last years model for a good price.
I shoot a Mathews Z7. Love it. Shoots awesome and really smooth and easy to draw. A little on the heavy side compaired to most other bows tho but other then that you should look into one of the new lighter versions
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i just got an elite archey z28.i love this thing and havent got to shoot it yet.ligt as a feather its a 60lb bow maxed out and fills like it is a 40lb bow,and very smooth.i would highly recomend trying one
I would look at the Mathews Mission line of bows. Reasonable prices for a great line of bows.

Good luck and happy shooting!!
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"Mularcher" wrote:Shoot a lot of bows in your price range & pick the best shooter
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me personally i prefer mathews but diamond looks good if you want a inexpensive bow
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I shoot a hoyt carbon element. Hoyt are a very great bow and a lot of mid price bows with the same cams as the element or the higher end ones. get to a shop and do so shooting choose the one you like the most
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I would look into Bear bows. Really great shooting for a reasonable price. I was in your same spot last year, went with the bear and couldn't be more stoked for it
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I shoot a hoyt x tech love it can pick them up for really cheap. in my opinion hoyt is the strongest bow out there last year mine bounced off my wheeler and i ran it over an skided on it NOTHING broke re bent my arrow rest and took a few tuning shots and next day harvested my buck.
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I shoot an Elite Archery bow, and have killed many a deer with it. It's plenty fast, feels good albeit a little heavy. I've been around a few Mathews, and they are way quiet. Impressively quiet, even. My friend is a die hard Hoyt fan. He shoots a lot of competition with them and swears there isn't anything better. So the best thing would be, what someone had mentioned earlier, and shoot as many different makes and models as you can. It'll come down to personal preference.
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I shot the Diamond Outlaw last night and I think I'm in love. Smooth, fast, quiet, and not too hard on the wallet
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I love my Hoyt
Check out classifiedes. I just got a 2011 Strother SX1 for $450. 10sign:
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I once had a wise friend who is an archery nut. Tell me to let the bow pick you not you pick the bow. I thought he was crazy at first, but after shooting them over and over and really thinking about it I got what he meant. Youll know when it is the right bow for you.
if u liked your pse stick with it. they have several great mid range bows that would be a good upgrade. i shoot pse and love them
Check out the hoyt rampage, if you like the feel and fit it seems like a good buy, a lil pricy depending on your price range but I shot it it at the shop and felt it was well worth it. Or find used boys close on a classified sight. But ask someone you know with experience before buying anyting used....
I'm 16 and found a Strother SR-71 for $375, and it's way quieter than the big brands and it's fun to shoot!
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You'd be surprised, because everyone is different, every bow, not just brand but bow shoots different for everyone. Its gotta be a good fit and shoot... Comfortably... Idk you just need to shop around and not be picky. I was a mathews fan for years then started to shoot other brands while looking for a new one I found that the hoyt crx32 "felt and shot" better than what I was shooting... You will know when you find the right
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Ended up buying a 2011 Martin Firecat TR2. I got a kickin deal at the local Sportsman's Warehouse that i couldn't pass up 10sign:
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I'm kind of an old fart, but looking carefully at the seasoned experienced shooters and watching the guys that talk less and hunt more, they've gone through the trial and error. The equitment is faster but being more accurate is the ticket. Shoot your fingers raw. Find an old recuve put some string on it and shoot some carp. It's prime right now.
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I would go with nothin else than bowtech. they are right for the price and even better in getting what you paid for.