This Mornings Scouting trip
7/7/07 2:24pm
It's good to be out again after a good hike this morning we were able to find a couple of decent bucks. Check out the width on the one in the back. I can't wait to get more photo's of him. These are from my video camera that's why resolution isn't the best.
Great pics, looks like you find some dandies again. Nice job! :thumb
How the heck are yea? Hey i did see the cheater buck this morning, but he slipped before i could get a photo. Man there was a fresh and i mean fresh lion track right on the trail i use to get in there. The deer have been pushed back from where i usually see them, but that's ok i don't mind the walk. Give me a call next time you go or i'll call you let's hook up. When do you leave on your mission? OH and just so you know it's my spot i'm bigger than you LOL.
I'll see ya out there somewhere
I'll go with 32 1/2"
I can't seem to give this buck 33. Maybe fully grown out he would be pushing it. This buck from last year also had a few of us fooled. Once killed was almost 33 inches, and the whole time i was dead set on at least 35. Shows yea what i know. But anyway time will tell, hey how about you go find his sheds and then we can see just how wide he is.