This mornings scouting trip" alt="" />

This place was about a 4 mile hike in. After glassing for about two hours and seeing about 30 does and fawns, with only one 22" 3 point. He was located on the top of the cliffs at the upper right hand corner. What was the deal with no big bucks in this area?
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Sure does look perfect huh!? ???
well no deer but a purty view
At least there was some deer there, in some places you can't find any deer anymore. Let alone a buck. :)

Nice pic though.
ya looks like a very good place! you never know! the bigger bucks are smart and will hide if they here you comin! well at least you saw a 22" 3 point!
Nice pic, and good looking Muley country. Big guys are out there just laying low.

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Nice pic! It's fun to look at that and imagine how I would put a sneak on a buck, say at the top of the ridge on the left. Or in the lower rocky area on the left. Thanx!
After seeing his collection of antlers that he has I would think that he knows where to look for the big ones at. Maybe someone had allready tromped though there and spooked most of them out.
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If there's that many does around that area, there's some bucks around somewhere. No matter how hard ya glass, there are still a number of animals that go unseen.
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a_bow_nut, you called it this time. About 8:00 am, a group of 7 people came hiking up that valley heading towards that peak in the background. Then 3 more about 10 minutes later, then 3 more about an hour later. All heading for those upper peaks and rolling rocks down the hill as they hiked. Thats why the buck I did see was up on top of the cliffs on the upper right side. The picture doesn't show it very well but that hill and valley was very steep. From were I took the picture to the upper peaks is about a 2000' climb. There are big bucks up there but I think they have moved one or two canyons over to avoid all the summertime hikers.