This sucks!

Well I am sitting here depressed, the Elk hunt has started, as well as the duck hunt. And I am not doing either today. Don't have elk tags this year, (we still have a ton of meat in the freezer from the last two years) and I wasn't wanting to go out and fight the Marsh monsters on opening.

Hope everyone is being safe and haveing fun out there.
Ya tell me about it!!!!

I was going to go elk hunting with a buddy today, but he called yesterday and backed out!

Looks like ill try and go find some ducks a bit later this afternoon!!!!

It could be worse, you could have an elk tag and not even be in the country. Ask me how I know.
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OH man ABERT. Sorry to here that. Thanks for all you and many others are doing for our country and the world even though many here cant see it.
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Well here i sit myself, not out elk hunting either today.
This is the first time in 25 years i have not bought an elk tag!!
I'm really getting burned out on the "spike fest", and i don't know any "any bull" units.
I have guided some hunts earlier last month, so i did get in plenty of elk action in, plus i was in the Book Cliff's for 7 days last week hunting deer with my son. I didn't draw even a general tag this year, so i'm done hunting already for this year.
I sure was cussing my neibor this morning though, he was out banging his stuff around at 3am going out chasing quackers. I wanted to point my 12guage out the window and shoot his wound up barking dog!! ](*,) :222
salxxute salxxute salxxute !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stay Safe, God Bless you. And THANKS for being there.
Sorry about the hunt stateside.
Don't listen to ANY (well almost) media reports.We are 100% behind you
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Abert I know this will not help but My nephew got back last month and we got him a cow tag so he will get to hunt elk. he is from Pa and other that a ski trip to Co. he's never been to the west.
Keep safe and know that we all hope to see you home safe and sound.

DeadI I start 49 days off to day, with a new lab pup and a bunch of tags to fill. I think I'll go chase goats friday :)
I might get a chance to get some hunting in when I get back. The season doesn't end in MS for whitetail until the end of Jan, so I might be able to make it in to the woods for a hunt or two. Just gotta convince the wife... [-o<