This Year Hunting BLM land?
10/5/13 4:02am
Hey guys, I'm not sure if this is correct forum for this post, but I went to the BLM website (Department of Interior) and there was a message at the top of the screen that said something along the lines of "Due to a lapse of available funds, all access to public lands will be closed. It listed several government entities including the BLM. Does this mean that you can't hunt on BLM land this year? Provided the government is still shut down by the first season?
All the best
Ok, I found it. Thanks guys.
Says in the link above that you may visit any undeveloped recreation areas that do not have controlled entry.
Further down in the FAQs it says that you may hunt in accordance with state law. Wonderful
The 17% of the government that is closed is purely for effect and to cause pain to the people so they think they can't do without the government. Hunters way out in the bush where reporters aren't don't make for headlines.