Thoughts on Tikka T3 Lite

Just curious to see if anyone here happens to own a Tikka T3 lite. What do you think of the rifle? The stock has always bugged me, but I saw that there are quite a few aftermarket stocks that are finally available for it. I really love how smooth the action is. I would like to know about what kind of "field experience" you have had with these rifles.
Don't own one but have a good friend that does. I borrowed it for the remainder of my time in NC for hunting Whitetails. Smoked a little buck right before I left too. Anywho great rifle IMO. If I were in the market for another rifle it would be towards the top of my list for sure.
He has killed 8 or 9 deer with it so far and has had great results. Seems to hold up amazing in the wet climate there and is very accurate.
I own one in the .270wsm and love it. In my opinion it is the best value for the money by far! It is light weight, the action is by far smother than anything even close to its class. The trigger is great right out of the box. The detachable magazines are great even though they are plastic. Great out of the box accuracy .

The only thing I have done to mine is ad a limbsaver recoil pad. I took my once in a lifetime big horn sheep with it packing it for many days. Recommend it :thumb
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That's the exact caliber I'm looking at! I'm seriously thinking of adding one to my collection soon. Bell and Carlson have Pachmeyer decelerator pads on their stocks that I've heard are pretty close to the limbsavers. I love hearing these first hand experiences! Thanks
i'll just echo what sneekepeete and tyewire said- i had a friends wife ask me to pick out an elk rifle for her husband/my buddy for christmas a few years ago. I ended up picking the t-3 in a 300 WSM. you simply wont find a better gun, in that price range( and even a bunch of guns that cost alot more), that comes with as many options. a simple google search, and i bet you would come up with more great reviews than you would want to read.
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Well I thought I should update.... I bit the bullet and bought a T3 lite in 270 WSM. I found a deal a Sportsmans that I couldn't refuse. I just mounted a Vortex Diamondback 4-12X40 and I'm stoked to go sight it in! I have a depredation cow elk tag that I would like to fill with this rifle!
Sweet! Good luck on your hunt. I think you will love the rifle.
Good luck,

You will be happy with it. I own one in 338 win mag and I believe like many said they are a great value. And I think for a injected molded plastic stock it is the most rigid and accurate of that type of stock. On a lot of rifles I think of the plastic stock as a throw away but not so on the Tikka.
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think i am a little late but i have a 30-06 tikka t3 lite and first off the action is really smooth, accuracy and trigger out of the box are great. i am definitely happy with my tikka.hope you enjoy yours!
I bought a Tikka .270 wsm last fall. The rifle was al most new. I will be honest, I got a smoking deal on it for $700. But I really only bought it for the VX3 4.5 X 14 scope with long range turrets on it. I was going to resale the rifle after removing the scope. But I decided to shoot it first. The Tikka might be ugly as sin, but it is the smoothest rifle I have ever fired, I was so impressed I decided to hunt with it last year and shot a deer free handed. There is no better rifle for freehanding a shot without a rest. I'm considering seeing how well it will perform in a long distance competition this year.
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My buddy bought a 300 WSM last year for the elk and let me fire it a couple times and compare it to my more expensive 300 win mag and I was amazed! Action was smooth and flawless, trigger was perfect and light as a feather compared to mine! This will be the next rifle I week! haha
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I've been really pleased with my T3 270 WSM so far.... I loaded up some Hornady handloads a few weeks ago so I could have a little cheaper target practice and they shot great. I'm looking forward to trying out some 130 TTSX handloads on a cow elk this fall!

It's always fun to buy a new rifle and I definitely would suggest the Tikka to anyone looking for an accurate rifle at a very reasonable price.
You will like the results you get with the 130 ttsx loads. They did wonders on my sheep hunt.
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I like em'." alt="" />
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"30Ultra" wrote:I like em'." alt="" />
I'd say you like them for sure.. Nice collection there!
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5pointbull, I got the same kind of deal on a 7mm Mag at my local pawn shop. It also has the VX3 scope and I love the gun and scope. I was going to buy a $3500 custom rifle and then decided that was probably a bad financial decision. I would recommend the T3 to anyone that doesn't want to break the bank to get a rifle.
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I have the T3 Lite in a .300 win mag and I love it. The bolt slides extremely smoothly, trigger is crisp and responsive and very accurate. And you can't complain about how light it is. It felt like carrying a b-b gun compared to my 12.5 lb Ruger haha