Thoughts on Tikka T3 Lite
12/4/11 10:24pm
Just curious to see if anyone here happens to own a Tikka T3 lite. What do you think of the rifle? The stock has always bugged me, but I saw that there are quite a few aftermarket stocks that are finally available for it. I really love how smooth the action is. I would like to know about what kind of "field experience" you have had with these rifles.
He has killed 8 or 9 deer with it so far and has had great results. Seems to hold up amazing in the wet climate there and is very accurate.
The only thing I have done to mine is ad a limbsaver recoil pad. I took my once in a lifetime big horn sheep with it packing it for many days. Recommend it :thumb
That's the exact caliber I'm looking at! I'm seriously thinking of adding one to my collection soon. Bell and Carlson have Pachmeyer decelerator pads on their stocks that I've heard are pretty close to the limbsavers. I love hearing these first hand experiences! Thanks
You will be happy with it. I own one in 338 win mag and I believe like many said they are a great value. And I think for a injected molded plastic stock it is the most rigid and accurate of that type of stock. On a lot of rifles I think of the plastic stock as a throw away but not so on the Tikka.
It's always fun to buy a new rifle and I definitely would suggest the Tikka to anyone looking for an accurate rifle at a very reasonable price.