Thoughts on trail cams
5/26/11 8:13pm
I was wondering how everyone feels about trail cams. It seems like lately in our mountains they are everywhere. If there is a wallow or water hole you will find a trail cam there. I personally know guys who have 8 or more of them set up.
I personally wish they would go away. I can understand why people use them, hunting is hard and it could be a huge advantage to always know what is drinking out of your favorite water hole. But there is this thing called scouting where you go out and actually look with your own two eyes. It can be a lot of work to hike miles into the woods to find animals preseason. But I think that is just part of the whole game.
Are trail cams part of fair chase hunting? What do you guys think.
I personally wish they would go away. I can understand why people use them, hunting is hard and it could be a huge advantage to always know what is drinking out of your favorite water hole. But there is this thing called scouting where you go out and actually look with your own two eyes. It can be a lot of work to hike miles into the woods to find animals preseason. But I think that is just part of the whole game.
Are trail cams part of fair chase hunting? What do you guys think.
The same could be asked of a rifle and a high power scope though right?
IMHO, the hunting season is so short and the opportunities so few that I would have to support the trail cams (even though I don't use one). I'm also excited about my new scope! :thumb
I cover a lot of ground scouting, but I'm ok with people having the edge coming into a 5 day hunt like they did last year in Ut.
Interested to hear other opinions though.
i have 3 , haven't even set any up in 3 yrs, to me their just a fun hobby if i have time. fact is- i always set mine up in a unit i couldn't even draw a tag for- didn't even apply there. so while i am out "scouting" the area i'm going to hunt, i'm also enjoying taking picturs of bucks and bulls just out of curiosity.
that said- i sure dont like the idea of trail cams on every water hole to locate a 400" bull or people getting so caught up with dis-liking them that they steal or damage them.
so might vote is right down the middle of the road i guess :-k
I've had a lot of fun strapping a camera onto a tree at family campouts or scout camp. My wife does the scrapbook thing and we've got some great pics on family outings from the cameras. Parents love seeing the slideshows I can create & we can see the whole weeks activities of scout camp in a 4 minute time lapse video at a Court of Honor.
I consider it more a hobby & entertainment, but if it just so happens that I check my camera and a nice buck is frequenting the area... well you know where I'd be in the fall.
I agree they are fun and can be very helpful but I also think that they should be restricted by season and if that didn't simmer things down then just banned from public land all together.
Just my .02