Three Cornors Utah

My wife drew a Three corners elk tag for this season, looking for info from anyone that has hunted it in the past. How was the hunting pressure? Conditions of roads ? Were the bulls still rutting at all ? Where the water holes getting hit at all ? Thanks for the help.
I am guessing your wives hunt is in early October. :-k I believe the success rates have been high the last two years. Quality is lower than most Utah LE units, which means, a 320+ is a shooter. Lots of private land on this unit. With it being a dry year, find water and luck should be on your side for a good bull. The bulls will still be vocal at this time.

well ive never been up there during hunting season but if you get away from people you'll probaly have a good chance. like pro said the quality is a little less then other units but you could still get a good bull out of there.