Tiger Trout

Well this weekend was total awesome. My Dad and I went to a lake you have to hike to. We were headed to a different one and the snow changed or minds. After about an hour of hiking through snow up to our knees in most places. We ended up catching some really nice Tiger Trout. Check out the color in these bad boys.
Thought this one needed to be posted as well. Oh yea we turned all these loose so we can catch them again when they are about 4 to 5 lbs.
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Nice fish! What state did you catch them in?
cool. wered ya go. just part of the state you dont have to tell me the lake
Great photos! =D> Neat looking trout, I don't think I've ever seen one of those Tiger trout before. Thanks for posting the photos.
huntenfever, Great lookin' catch!!

They sure are beautiful fish too! I believe that Tiger Trout are a Brown Trout/Brook Trout hybrid if I remember my studies right. They aren't found in many states either (Utah being one of the few). Sure wish we had them here in the Northwest!
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Those are neat!
very cool looking fish. and what a great looking fishing hole. very nice.
They are From Utah. I'm very excited about these fish. I'm going again on Saturday. Thanks for all the comments.
Beautiful Fish! :thumb Congrats man, looks like the good ole ________ Mtns. :)
i'm seeing these new fish on here all the time, i'm beginning to think that its a bunch of deformed fish, are we sure there is no big chemicle plant dumping their waste in the river's around there>>> :)) just kidding of course, those are some awsome looking fish for sure!!
Those tiger trout are really cool. They are a cross between a brookie and a brown aren't they?
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Does anyone know if we have any of these in Colorado?
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Those are really neat fish, done a lot of trout fishing and never saw one. If you would be interested in mounting them you can still do it believe it or not. I got some reproductions done after getting back from a guided cutthroat fishing trip in Yellowstone, the guy just needs an approximate width length and the attached pictures. He does amazing work and these tiger trout can be on your wall for a reasonable price. His name is Gary and his website is http://www.4greatfish.com. I was nervous about having my cuttrhoats done by someone over the internet but Gary did a great job and we remain friends, turns out he is an avid elk hunter too.
Yea i'd like to get a couple done, but we didn't weight or measure them. We just caught them and took a picture and let them go. However we are going on Saturday again and i'm taking a scale and tape measure so if we do get a big one i'll get a hold of Gary thanks for the info.
cant say that i have ever seen or even heard of the tiger trout. good luck next time you go!
Meathunter13, I checked to see if they have Tiger Trout in Colorado for you. This is what I found:

They are NOT listed on the CO Fish and Wildlife page as a Native or introduced species.

HOWEVER, in the Colorado State Fishing Records they have a listing for the Tiger Trout

SPECIES: Tiger Trout
YEAR: 2005
LOCATION: Private Pond (Park County)
WEIGHT: 4-15
LENGTH: 21.5
FISHERMAN: Gene Hacker

Therefore, I guess they DO have them but apparently unless you have access to a private pond stocked with em you'll have a hard time finding them.
I could be wrong though. I have never fished in Colorado. That's just what I found on them.

SOUTHWIND, Yes they are a Brook Trout/Brown Trout hybrid.
Great looking fish! I was going to say they looked like they had some brookie in them, but I'll buy into the brook/brown hybrid therory!
Those are great!
shed hunter
huh iv never cought one of those b4! i would like to though any in utah??....good eatn? hah
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I've never caught a tiger trout before. Guess I'll have to add it to my to do list.
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nice photos . great looking fish and fishing hole .