Time of year to scout?
10/12/13 12:39pm
Hey fellas,
Thinking about heading to CO around July to do some scouting for muleys. This a good time of year? By looking at the DOW maps the area I'll be hunting in October is right in between the Summer and Winter ranges. I've heard people say that the area pretty much holds muleys year round. Anyway,I guess my main question is whether or not going in July would be a productive month to do some scouting? I'd rather go a little closer to the season but because its an 18 hour drive for me, I'm trying to spread the trips out. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Thinking about heading to CO around July to do some scouting for muleys. This a good time of year? By looking at the DOW maps the area I'll be hunting in October is right in between the Summer and Winter ranges. I've heard people say that the area pretty much holds muleys year round. Anyway,I guess my main question is whether or not going in July would be a productive month to do some scouting? I'd rather go a little closer to the season but because its an 18 hour drive for me, I'm trying to spread the trips out. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

10/13/13 10:07am
I would shoot for the first week in August. The antlers will be more developed by then.

10/13/13 12:19pm
10-4. I think that's "do-able." My intent is to try to get over there while my wife is off for the summer so I'm not bailing on them during the school year. (Though I WILL be doing so at the end of October next year). First week of August may work out just fine... Thanks!