Time's up!
12/21/07 5:44am
Well, it's almost up, I should say. After being gone from home for 7 1/2 months and being in Iraq for almost 7 months, I'm finally heading home...very soon. I won't be home for Christmas but I do have a pretty good present from my Uncle Sam. A flight out of Iraq on Christmas morning. I'll spend a few days in Kuwait before finally heading back to the states. Then I'll spend about a week in FL before heading home to MS. My wife will meet me at the airport and spend that first week in FL with me, so if you don't see me around in here, not to worry. I'll be in good hands. Once I leave Iraq not sure how much computer time I'll get in either. Not the best of Christmas' but I'll be back for New Year's and will get to see some of the bowl games and of course my LSU Tigers whoop up on the blackeyes of OSU. Thanks to all for letting me live through your hunts this season!
Thanks a lot for your service!!!! :thumb Be careful and we will catch ya when you get to a "puter"
=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
Go Buckeyes!!!!!!!!
Take care and keep in touch.
Congrats on the good news!
AGC, hope everything is going good on your end. Sent you a PM a while back, if you need anything let me know. Time really flies over here, hard to believe my time is already up.
Appreciate the rest of the comments. I do my official checkout tomorrow and then a lot of "hurry up and wait" for the flights.
EDIT: After eleventy million tries I finally got an avatar to work!!! :))
Take care my friend and have fun!
Merry Christmas all and have a great New Year!
Glad to see that you made it out without any hick-ups!
Not home just yet. Finally left Kuwait very early this morning, sitting in Germany at the moment while the plane refuels and had a chance to hop online. Will be state side this afternoon and reunited with my bride come around midnight. This will probably be the last post for a little while as I've got just a tad bit of catching up to do with the wife and others. So dang nice to actually see pine trees and no sand!!!
Greg, I'll give you a call within the next 2 or 3 days, same with Dad.