Tired Antelope Buck!
9/5/06 6:44pm
This poor guy looked like he had just taken a serious JOG.
I didn't scare him though...he just came my direction walking and didn't seem in a hurry at all or to tired to care when I found him.
I didn't scare him though...he just came my direction walking and didn't seem in a hurry at all or to tired to care when I found him.
cool pics though, thats one thing i DO wish i had is some photos of pronghorn - hopefully i remember to snatch a few during the hunt in a couple weeks
thanks for sharin those though
Just got thinking maybe that's why is was so tired, maybe he just got whooped by a bigger one or something and was ran off. ???
Im just remembering last year we had 2 real stupid bucks right near our camp in wyoming, i mean you could drive up to them and pull off a 30yd bow shot (or less) on any day we were there.. and they were both chasing the same does, im just trying to think now if my dad said the rut had just ended or if it was just about to start?? but i think he said it had just ended and that was about mid/late september last year.
who knows though, its kinda cool to see none-the-less, haha (okay, maybe cool wasnt the word, 'unique'.. thats better. now i dont sound like one of those little cat killing satanic rebels i hope)
Maybe he is just trying to taunt you? :))