how fun is it bein' a moderator? huh? lets hear what ya gottta say!
well.its just normalish.
On the Muley Madness forum the only difference is that you see you name in green. Everybody minds their "P's" and "Q's" here so there isn't much for us to do. If anything else has been happening Brett has it fixed so quick that I don't ever see it.

Sorry no exciting stories from me.
yep. same as it is with a-b-n
Pretty much the same here. I think I have deleted a total of 2 posts since Brett asked if I would like to moderate.

Would be different if everyone wasn't so darned nice, helpful, and intelligent.....darn it!!

Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way!
Oh c’mon , quite holdin back guys! I dunno, maybe it’s some kinda oath when MOD’s are being sworn into their Forum Moderating Duties (aka the FMD oath) that their not allowed to talk about everything that goes on ‘behind the scenes’ but here’s a story I once heard from a guy who’s name or description I can’t tell (Direct orders from the federales)…

There were 2 guys that almost constantly were at each others throats (or as close to each others throats as they could get with a keyboard anyways). They always seemed to be in all sorts of stupid contests and competitions with each other and were always arguing about everything! (If you’ve ever hung around the Utah DWR forum you know exactly what I’m talking about). The forum members were usually rather annoyed about them but normally just ignored it whenever they posted. Well over time some other people got heated and jumped in on it and soon enough the whole forum was a mess!!! Well rumor has it the forum MOD’s had been using their PM tool pretty extensively but unfortunately the records of their messages in private will never be disclosed to the public. All we know is this.. It was June or July, about 3 weeks after the whole forum went into complete Chaos, that one of the MOD’s posted on the board saying that he was going to be gone for about 2 weeks so that’s why he wouldn’t be posting or moderating for that time. Being the middle of summer he couldn’t say it was some hunting trip so he pulled off the next best thing in claiming that he’d be going to Costa Rica for some deep sea fishing. Knowing what we know now it’s obvious this was just his alaby for why he wouldn’t be patrolling the site but at the time no one thought anything of it and there were the typical replies; “Have a great time MOD!!” “can’t wait to see the pics MOD!” so on and so forth. Well it just so happened that about a week after he left both the trouble-makers, who were regulars to the site posting nearly by the hour, just stopped and disappeared from the site completely with no forewarning. Everyone was relieved in a way, things settled down, and life went on… Another week passes and the MOD returns from his trip right on schedule, makes a big long post about all the fun he had and all the fish he caught and he kept emphasizing that it was “the trip of a lifetime!” in a rather conspicuous way. He had no pictures oddly enough which made me wonder? Claimed that on the very last night he caught a fish so big they had absolutely no way to get it into the boat so he had no choice but to reach over to cut the hook from the mouth and as he did his digital camera which held all his photos from the trip, fell out of his jimmy buffet fan club shirt pocket into the big deep blue! Well a couple years passed and no one really talked about the incident at all. I heard rumors that the 2 bodies of the trouble makers were found in the everglades 2 or 3 years after the event. 1 guy even said he saw the decayed but recognizable bodies hanging from the same noose in the Ozarks when he was out coon huntin one night. But I think I know exactly what happened…
See I used to party with this guy named Pete back in high school, great guy, GREAT alcoholic! I don’t think we ever lost a team drinking match, no one could keep up with that kid! I’m getting off focus though, I looked ole Pete up as I’d heard he started up his own fishing concession in Costa Rica, sure enough found him listed under "Capt. Pete's Seriously Extreme Costa Rica Big and Large Game Offshore Fishing Adventures in Costa Rica". Thought I’d ask him if he ever heard about a Forum Moderator fishing down there around June or July some odd years ago? Turned out Pete was who he booked with! He said the guy showed up a week late and, as he put it; “There was always something a little… fishy.. about that young MOD” Before I even told Pete what the situation was he told me about an incident took place the day after that MOD left camp. He had a day off in between clients and decided to do some fishing for himself. He had pretty good luck the first day the MOD came down so he decided to fish that same exact route. He said the water was strangely quite and fish were very scarce, only a few minnows and some predator fish swimming the waters. As he was reeling in what he thought was an empty hook he was about 15 ft. from surface and he could have sworn he made out a pale half eaten corpse on the end of his hook but couldn’t get a positive ID. Before he had time for a second glance a great white bit his line and sent the reel screaming, he was forced to cut the line. I told him the situation after this and asked if he’d taken any photos with this client being as I knew he took a couple pictures of his own with each person who came out. The only pic. He could find was when he went to pick him up from the airport – I examined it very closely and after 3 days straight of staring at the picture I finally noticed it, it was his watch. The crests of the watch had a very light coat of what appeared to be crusted blood stuck in it!
Now I’m not saying one way or the other, But all I know is that these forum moderators, although humble and quiet, they take their jobs, more-so their duties, very seriously and they are prepared to do whatever it takes to keep our forums safe, clean, and user friendly. God bless our forum moderators! Let us prey we never have to face them in a bad mood or after catching us doing something wrong!

P.S. I hear the MOD from the very real very true story I just shared with you is still out there keeping someone’s forums safe from “pot stirrers”. He could be any given MOD, we will never know wich one for sure or wich site for that matter either! Post in Peace!

If you're not writting scripts for CSI you should be. :))

Or movies, books, or something. That's a good one. :thumb
LMHO! Great story hound_hunter!!

I can assure you though, I have not hunted anyone down from MuleyMadness....yet!!
But we are keeping our eyes on you hound hunter. (???)
WOW!!!!That was a pretty story for off the top of your head---- freikin hillarious!!!!!!!!!!!! :)) :)) oh and thanks to all the moderaters for all your help in keeping this forum clean!!! sorry to say though in the long run it's not worth the prison time after you get caught for your fishing trips :)) :)) !
that was a joke, right a-bow-nut? i'm very vulnerable right now, don't play with me
"killerbee" wrote:sorry to say though in the long run it's not worth the prison time after you get caught for your fishing trips :)) :)) !
Who says we'll get caught? Haven't yet... :1
hound_hunter. im not at liberty to discuss what i do with the few people that cross my path :) :tz :tz
by the way. im going on a fishing trip :)
Yep just pulling your leg a little there Hound Hunter. Just wanting to keep you on you toes.

Speaking of fishing how is Pelican doing with all this warm weather?
dont know havent been there yet this year. but last year was pretty good. caught my limit of blue gill within 40 minutes which is like 20 i think and though back numerous small mouth bass
Do you ever chase the catfish that are swimming in that little puddle?
nope. just goin after bluegill and bass
so when you guys takin me fishing??? Tell ya what, i'll bring the snacks and the food - you basically have to teach me how to fish.... then once its dark we'll go out for some coon huntin? :thumb

and no - NOT TO COSTA RICA!!