8/26/07 11:33am
This is a buck my cousin took a few years ago in Colorado. The thing's a beast of a buck. We counted eleven points on one side and thirteen on the other. He was only about 14 inches wide, but was well over two feet tall. I don't care what he scores, this buck is a trophy, and, in my opinion, a once in a lifetime buck, as you don't see bucks like that walkin around too often. I have big hands, and it was all I could do to get both of them around the base of the horns. Unfortunately, the pictures don't do it justice. It's like a stinkin elk. The body was also about as big as I've seen on a deer. He had to go 250, field dressed. Definitely the biggest bodied deer I've ever laid eyes on. Enjoy. " alt="" /> " alt="" /> " alt="" /> " alt="" />

Great pics, thanks for sharing them with us! :thumb
Congrats to your buddy