Today's outing PICS!
3/4/06 8:29pm
Found a really old bone in burned out Southern Utah...
found a old burnt 3-point shed...
found a nice skull 4x6 with the double eyeguard on left side...yes I left it in the hills. Since the DWR makes me. :)
and found some cool scenery along the way also...
hope you enjoy..." alt="" /> " alt="" /> " alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />
found a old burnt 3-point shed...
found a nice skull 4x6 with the double eyeguard on left side...yes I left it in the hills. Since the DWR makes me. :)
and found some cool scenery along the way also...
hope you enjoy...

But I didn't think Utah had coues bucks.
I upload my pictures to a web site called
It's a free site and it works well for me. After you get signed up and and you've got your pictures uploaded you will see three addresses just below the picture. After I get my thread started on the fourm I just start jumping back and forth between the two sites to transfer the addresses. To do that all you have to do is click on the address that has the IMG at the front of it and it will highlight the whole address for you. Then I just right click on the address and select copy. Then get back into your thread that you've started and then right click and select paste.
I'm sure that there is a better way but this method works for me and is pretty easy.