Too Closer for comfort? Elk bugling!
11/29/06 7:50pm
Check this Elk footage out, WAY COOL stuff.
Let me know if it works for you guys!
Thanks Hiker, not sure of the original videographer?
Let me know if it works for you guys!
Thanks Hiker, not sure of the original videographer?
I watched the Truth 9 Big Bulls by Primos. On that video they shoot an elk at one yard. ???
When I read it on the cover I thought yeah right. But you would have to see it to belive it. I don't think that I could have kept my nerves with me to pull that off.
The closest I've ever been to a live elk was 5 yards, and that was a cow last August. Even that gets the heart going.
The closest bull was 15 yards, a 6X6 bugling, stompin' his feet and rippin' up the trees! That one was in August of 05.
When my son video taped my hunt last August, his concern was that the bull was going to run over him when I arrowed him. He told me later that he had scoped out a cople of escape routes as the bull approached him. The bull was 35 yards from me and less than 20 yards from the camera (and my son!) when I arrowed him! Fortunately the bull took a route away from my son after the shot.
A few years back we ran into a group of cows and calves on Panguitch. I set up with a tree on my back and let out a few calls and instantly the calves came running down the hill right up to us. One of the calves walked right into me and almost tripped. They were all real young and most still had their spots. Neat experience.
It shocks me the hunters didn't spook that bull when he, the hunter turned his head @ 5 feet. He must of had that Quakie in the perfect position, so the bull must of not seen him. :-k
really cool that the bull got that close to him.