Hi guys! I stumbled across this forum while I have been surfing around getting pumped up for my very first archery elk hunt. I've been lurching in the shadows for several days and have been impressed with the quality of this forum and the knowledge of many (alright most) of the posters. I wish I would have found you all much earlier.

Anyway, like I mentioned, I will be heading out on Sunday for the last 10 days of archery hunt in Idaho (McCall Zone), my first archery hunt ever! I have been preparing ever since the end of rifle elk season last year. My decision to start archery hunting was two-fold. My father-in-law hunts archery religiously and my "hunting buddies list" is small to none. The primary reason is to experience the rut first hand. Just to be in the mountains when the elk are all worked up seems like it would be worth the price of admission to me.

I'm not really expecting too much. I've hunted elk in idaho for about 6 years with a rifle and only harvested a spike once. I think I will be thrilled just to see elk within 50 yeards. I've decided that I will be happy if I harvest or not, as long as I see game (and not too many wolves).

We are planning on taking lot's of pictures and videos so hopefully I have something to share at the end of the month besides pretty scenic pictures. I'd be happy catching one of the guys in my group taking an elk on video too.

So anyhow...a big hello to all the members of this forum. I'll behave and tread lightly I promise.

(Go Broncos! Pluck the Ducks!)
SlicBronco, WELCOME TO THE MADNESS! Glad to have you aboard.

If ya need anything, just ask. We have a lot of great folks here and a good number of Idaho folks to boot. As for treading worries! We try to run a friendly, fun, and insightful forum. Just bring something to the table.

I can't wait to hear how the hunt goes and the pics that go along with it. ENJOY!
6x6 bull
You have a great attitude Slickbronco. I wish you the best of luck on your hunt. Try to enjoy the whole hunt and don't get fixated on just the kill. Those will come in time. Until then have fun.
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Welcome; archery during the rut is the most fun. It's nice weather during most archery seasons so spend some time out spike camping. You'll be sure to hear the elk at night and can be on them in the morning. Learn to cow call a bit and you may be surprised what you learn this year.
God bless, good luck.
well your already on my badside.................................... GO DUCKS!!! :)) J/K
anyway great to have you around. it's a great site with a ton of great people. can't wait to see some pics of your hunt. if your into them you'll be hooked for life!! a big bull , bugleing, 30 yrds away, nothing is cooler! good luck

[ and if they weren't playing the ducks, the broncoes are 1 of my favorite teams. but i gotta root for my home team :thumb ]
welcome and good luck on your hunt and by the way broncos s--- JK goodluck
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Thanks for the welcome guys!

I thought I would get some bites with the "Go Broncos!" and I was right! I'm leaving Sunday for the hunt so I can at least watch the game on TV. Hopefully there is an upset to celebrate on my way to the mts.

I can't wait to come back and share pictures and videos with everyone here.

Good luck to all of you this season and stay safe!