Tough 3rd season in CO
11/8/07 9:50am
We had a horrible hunt! Near record temperatures every day, in the high 60's!!! Needless to say the deer were scattered and not moving much, and not much rutting activity at all. Saw more bull elk than we did bucks. It was fun to get out though!
I know when hunting with torch, you better glass fast and furious, because if not, the person who spots the buck first gets first dibs. Torch is a top notch buddy and glasser.
Nice looking buck for sure, like the MASS. :thumb
Which unit was that again? :))
Just messin with ya!
Great success, thanks for sharing!
Sorry about the nasty scull but i figure you guys are used to it..
Got any other pics of him? (maybe with the cape still on it).
coyote slayer that atleast in cenrtal Co. it was bad.
I ussualy see 2-3 Large deer during third season and they are generaly getting pretty rutty.
This year not one monster and the only one gettin his stink on was a little 3 pointer on the last day.
as for elk , I didnt see a single live elk all week. And we hunted hard in three units with 7 guys. 4 saw a herd of 100 on private on 2nd to last day and that was it. deer aren't doing too bad though. I saw about 170 through out the week in different places.
P.S we hunted 7000' -11300' only at 11000 was there snow.
day time highs were over 60 degrees and no frost in the mornings
didnt even stoke the stove in the tent over night.