Tracking Skills??
4/1/09 6:06pm
You got 8 of 13 correct.
Your score: 62%
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Not so good, one question I thought was bogus, couple I read a bit to quick on. All in all, not to great for me. :)
Your score: 62%
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Not so good, one question I thought was bogus, couple I read a bit to quick on. All in all, not to great for me. :)
Your score: 92%
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Good score....but I will admit, I guessed on a couple. Sure, it was an educated guess but it was still a guess.
I'd tell ya which one I missed but I don't want to give anything away. (I SHOULD have gotten this one right after reading the answer though)
Your score: 77%
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i got in a hurry, should have done better! fun though
Your score: 62%
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Me,brett, and jbird arent to smart when it comes ta trackin' lol
Booya,beat that! :thumb
You got 12 of 13 correct.
Your score: 92%
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but i'm calling out a flaw[ unless i'm seeing it wrong...
Yes, I'm sure it's an elk track
No, it's just a big deer.
I think it's a moose track. Yep, it's a moose. It is far too big to have been made by a deer and very few elk leave a front hoofprint more than 4 1/2 inches in length. The long, pointed hoof is another clue. Elk tracks are blockier in appearance, with blunter toes.
the copy and past didn't work to well. but i missed it the first time and read the correct answer being moose, this time i clicked moose. in the reading it says it is a moose, but in the "check marks" it has "YES,I'M SURE IT'S AN ELK" as being correct.
i'm not complaining, it is the SECOND time i took it so i knew the answers.
if you could see the check marks it has a check buy the elk answer for correct, but reads the moose is correct.
did anyone else get boned by this? or am i so dumb at tracking that i cant get it perfect even if i KNOW the answers..............
Your score: 92%
Your score: 62%
Your score is in the top 25% of all users.
Ok I suck at quizes lol
Yea, but can you shoot lol
Your score: 77%
Your score is in the top 8% of all users.
So not as good as some but I did alright. 77% is a C+ right? that's a passing grade!
Your score: 77%
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Not too bad I guess.
Your score: 85%
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not to bad
Your score: 92%
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Your score: 92%
Your score is in the top 2% of all users.
The one I missed was the track that was probably a buck, although we all know it was definitely a buck without seeing it's antler. lol